Source at the National Archives of Canada:
Immigration Branch (RG 76 Volume 194, File 73883, part 2)
Reel c-7348, or possibly c-7347.
High Commisioner for Canada, London England.
Payments in Advance for continuous inspection of workhouse Children
Inspection of British Immigrant Children
Children inspected individually and reported upon to the Local Government
Board of London.
[Hand-written table follows: this gives the number of inspection reports
made during the year specified.]
Year, First Report Note(a), Recurrent inspections Note(c),
1899, 93, 0
1900, 159, 57
1901, 200, 123,..[data omitted]..
1902, 192, 156, ....[data omitted]..
1903, 176, 154, .....[data omitted]..
1904, 418, 126, .....[data omitted]..
1905, 354, 349, ......[data omitted]..
1906, 449, 274, ......[data omitted]..
1907, 560, 452, .......[data omitted]..
1908, 478, 411, ........[data omitted]..
1909, 531, 337, .........[data omitted]..
Note (a): Orders in Council Sept 28 1875 and Jan 4 1878 respectively.
Note (c): Order in Council Jan 14 1898.
Children of 16 years at time of their emigration receive only one inspection
(during the calendar year following their arrival in Canada.)
In the case of some of the children it was considered necessary to inspect,
and report on, more than once during the year.
It frequently occurs that provision for the recurrent inspection of some of
the children is made after the child has been reported on for the first
p[i.e ]9944.14.1 had been remitted by the Local Government Board to cover
cost of recurrent inspection on Jan 1, 1909.
[signed] G Bogue Smart, Chief inspector.
Local Government Board,
Whitehall, S.W.
23 March 1909.
My Lord,
I am directed by the Local Government Board to forward herewith on Order on
His Majesty's Paymaster General for the sum of 1,112.18.10. being the
amount received by them from the Boards of Guardians for the cost if
inspections (other than the first) by the immigration officers of the
Canadian Government of Prphan and Deserted Pauper Children emigrated to
Canada from England during the year 1908.
A statement is also transmitted in which are included the names of the
children emigrated, the Poor Law Unions or Parishes from which such children
were sent, and the amounts paid by the Boards of Guardiand towards the cost
of inspection.
I am etc.
(sd.) S.C.Monro.
Assistant Secretary
The High Commissioner for Canada,
17, Victoria Street,
[Stamped] 991424
The list of the dead contains the amounts due to be refunded to the
appropriate union. In some cases the date of death is given.
[name, age at time of death, year of emigration, union, society]
AKANI William 15 1903 Hackney Macpherson
..... Arthur 16 1903 Barnsley Barnardo
STEPHENS Alfred 14 Edmonton Barnardo
THOMAS Frank 14 1902 Lewisham Macpherson
me.ley Albert 190. Hackney Macph.
WHITE Harry 15 1905 Westbury and Whorwelltown Gregory
Wickenson Lewis 14 1906 Hackney Macph.
SMITH Alfred 1. 1907 Barton C of E
..VEN Harry 16 1906 Worcester Middlemore
MCKENZIE J.... 14 1906 South machem Birt
BRENNAN (?) Thomas 14 1905 Holborn Catholic Em Soc.
BRUCE James 15 1903 Kew-Branteed Birt
FOWLER Jessie 15 1904 Edmonton Barnardo
SLADE Annie 15 1904 Worcester Middlemore
GAMBLE Lillian H. G. 14 1907 Reading Barnardo
MATHEW Mark 13 1907 Hackney Macph.
MOUR. Anne Jane 15 1906 Walsingham Barnardo
ANDERSON John 13 1906 Middlesboro' Cath Em. Soc.
FENG(?) Ellen 6 1906 Walham WH Merry
HEWITT Thomas 13 1906 ..pelwich Wallace
KEMP Lewis 14 1906 Davey Cath Em Soc.
RILEY William 9 1906 Anton Middlemore
PATCHER Randolph A 11 1906 Newport(Mon.) Barnardo
COGAN Walter Charles 16 1904 Bristol Bristol Em. Soc.
CASSARD Henry 15 1905 Bristol Bristol Em Soc.
NOBLE John Edward 15 1904 Foxteth Park Gregory
SMITH Vincent 10 1906 Worcester Middlemore
BARBER Ernest Ford 15 1904 Great Yarmouth Barnardo
BOOTH Annie May 15 1903 Abergavenny 1903 Barnardo
SKIGGS Arthur 16 1903 St Pancras C of E
WEBB Thomas A 12 1905 Worcester Middlemore
KILLICK Walter 14 1902 Lambeth Barnardo
Statement....of children emigrated to Canada during the year 1908.
[The transcriber has omitted the amounts i.e. the 's]
[page 1]
John MCKENZIE 14 South Stonham Birt
Samuel PRIEST 12 Hunslet Birt
John Bradley SMITH 14 do. do.
Denis Thos KING 9 Camberwell Wm Baker(Barnardo)
DAniel DOMINY 11 Stepney Birt
William GOODWIN 14 Stepney Birt
William Henry BETTS 13 Stow Birt
Bertrand W SEADON 14 Stow Birt
Fredk. Cecil BISHOP 13 Farnham Birt
Reginald HEWITT 13 Holbeck Birt
William HEWITT 12 Holbeck Birt
James CURTISS 12 Kensington Birt
John Beacham 13 Bristol Birt
Sam. George CHIVERS 12 Bristol Birt
William FOWLER 13 Bristol Birt
George GAGE 12 Bristol Birt
William JENKINS 10 Bristol Birt
Alfred MARKS 12 Bristol Birt
Walter MARKS 10 Bristol Birt
Ernest NEWPORT 13 Bristol Birt
Mary Ann Owen PEARS or HITCHINGS 10 Bristol Birt
Beatrice RAWLs 13 Bristol Birt
Henry RICHARDS 12 Bristol Birt
Elizabeth SAGE 11 Bristol Birt
Martie WEBB 13 Bristol Birt
Reginald WEBB 11 Bristol Birt
Wilfred SOUTHWOOD 14 Paddington Wm. Baker Barnardos
Chas. Thos, SOANES 14 Paddington Wm. Baker Barnardos
Herbert VARLEY 14 Nottingham Wm. Baker Barnardos
Percy YATES 14 Cricklade and Wootan Basset Wm. Baker Barnardos
Rackiel (sic) WHALLEY 12 Madeley Manchester and Salford Boys & Girls Refuges
Harold HAW 13 York Wm. Baker Barnardos
Charles ALFORD 11 Newport(Mon) Wm. Baker Barnardos
George William BURROWS 14 Cundle Wm. Baker Barnardos
James Wm. SAUL 12 Kendal Wm. Baker Barnardos
Charles CANFIELD 14 Barnet Wm. Baker Barnardos
William INTMAN 14 Barnet Wm. Baker Barnardos
Algernon BRIDGES 13 Bury St. Edmunds Wm. Baker Barnardos
[page 2]
Agnes May PARKER 10 Circencester C of E.
Daisy PARKER 8 do. C of E.
Percy COLLIER 13 Leek C of E.
Eli COPELAND 13 Leek C of E.
Stephen BAKER 13 Dover Dr Barnardos Homes
Joseph DOUGHTY 12 Dover Dr Barnardos Homes
Ernest GODDEN 10 Dover Dr Barnardos Homes
Edward S HOCKHAM 13 Eastbourne C of E.
Arthur MEREDITH 13 Chorlton Manchester and Salford Boys & Girls Refuges
Alex. Kingston OWEN 11 Chorlton Manchester and Salford Boys & Girls Refuges
Walter Stanley BARNES 14 Hammersmith J Macpherson Merry
Ernest Samuel COLLINS 14 Hammersmith J Macpherson Merry
Herbert POOLE 10 Bradfield J Macpherson Merry
William LONSDALE 14 Farnham Cath Em Assn.
Thomas QUILTY 13 Lambeth Cath Em Assn.
Joseph REARDON 14 Lambeth Cath Em Assn.
Albert BREEDON 14 Sheffield Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Harold DICKINSON 13 Sheffield Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Chas. Fredk. HUGHES 13 Sheffield Dr. Barnardo's Homes
James Wm. WEST 13 Sheffield Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Herbert BRADBURY 14 Sheffield Father Berry's Homes
Thomas BURKE 13 Sheffield Father Berry's Homes
Richard CALLAGHAN 14 Sheffield Father Berry's Homes
James CONROY 13 Sheffield Father Berry's Homes
Wm. Dean KERRIGAN 13 Sheffield Father Berry's Homes
Joseph SCANLON 13 Sheffield Father Berry's Homes
George GOTTS 14 Mampstead Percy Roberts(Homes for Little Boys, Farningham)
Tom ARNOLD 12 Colchester Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Arthur FISHER 13 Kingston(Surrey) Cath Em. Assn.
Charles Molloy 13 Bermondsey Cath Em. Assn.
Henry MOLLOY 14 Bermondsey Cath Em. Assn.
Alfred SMITH 13 Bermondsey Cath Em. Assn.
Richard SPELLER 12 Bermondsey Cath Em. Assn.
Sydney Edward SULLIVAN 14 Bermondsey Cath Em. Assn.
George PATTERSON 9 Cockermouth Mrs. Birt
Florence WILLIAMSON 10 Cockermouth Mrs. Birt
John WILLIAMSON 13 Cockermouth Mrs. Birt
Timothy DONOVAN 14 Croydon Cath Em Assn.
Leonard BEAMAN 14 Aston Middlemore
William BILLINGHAM 13 Aston Middlemore
Edward CARTWRIGHT 9 Aston Middlemore
Henry CARTWRIGHT 12 Aston Middlemore
Source at the National Archives of Canada:
Immigration Branch (RG 76 Volume 194, File 73883, part 2)
Reel c-7348, or possibly c-7347.
High Commisioner for Canada, London England.
Payments in Advance for continuous inspection of workhouse Children
[page 3]
Chas Walter CAVANAGH 11 Aston Middlemore
Vincent CAVANAGH 12 Aston Middlemore
William GALLETT 8 Aston Middlemore
Frank GREGORY 14 Aston Middlemore
Ernest HUBBLE 11 Aston Middlemore
Lawrence HUBBLE 10 Aston Middlemore
George PAGE 14 Aston Middlemore
Joseph PAGET 7 Aston Middlemore
Wm. Henry PAGET 13 Aston Middlemore
Harriet TANDY 11 Aston Middlemore
William TANDY 14 Aston Middlemore
Leonard BIDDLE 10 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Herbert John CHISHOLM 10 Worcester Mr Middlemore
John PARDOE 7 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Thomas PARDOE 11 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Florence PEASEY 11 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Ethel PRICE 11 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Florence PRICE 13 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Rose PRICE 5 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Elsie Ellen ROUSE 11 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Henry ROUSE 8 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Matilda TOWNLEY 8 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Zihnia (sic) TOWNLEY 10 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Freda WILKINS 13 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Winifred WILKINS 4 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Kate WILKINS 11 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Geo. Leonard ROCK 13 Leicester Mr Middlemore
William HOPKINS 12 St Marleybone J Macpherson Merry
James WATTS 12 St Marleybone J Macpherson Merry
Charles WESTBROOK 12 St Marleybone J Macpherson Merry
Daisy WESTBROOK 10 St Marleybone J Macpherson Merry
Beatrice A ALEXANDER 13 Reading Dr Barnardo's Homes
Ernest Albert ALEXANDER 11 Reading Dr Barnardo's Homes
Frank APPLEBY 12 Reading Dr Barnardo's Homes
Lily APPLEBy 10 Reading Dr Barnardo's Homes
Jane BAKER 13 Reading Dr Barnardo's Homes
Reginald HAINES 13 Reading Dr Barnardo's Homes
Lily NEWMAN 10 Reading Dr Barnardo's Homes
Albert Edward RUTT 12 Reading Dr Barnardo's Homes
Ethel May WHITING 12 Reading Dr Barnardo's Homes
Eva Mary WHITING 14 Reading Dr Barnardo's Homes
Leonard WHITING 9 Reading Dr Barnardo's Homes
Harriet BINNS 10 Hunslet Mrs. Birt
Lilian BINNS 12 Hunslet Mrs. Birt
Alice PRIEST 10 Hunslet Mrs. Birt
Florence PRIEST 5 Hunslet Mrs. Birt
Ruth WOOD 13 Hunslet Mrs. Birt
[page 4]
Henry CARRINGTON 14 Birmingham Em. Homes Birmingham
George FROGATT 14 Birmingham Em. Homes Birmingham
Alice PHILIPS 13 Birmingham Em. Homes Birmingham
William WASSALL 14 Birmingham Em. Homes Birmingham
John ANGUS 13 Burton-on-Trent C of E.
Walter TAYLOR 14 Burton-on-Trent C of E.
Thomas Gilbraith 13 Hartlepool C of E.
Frederick BARNARDO 9 Kensington Mrs Birt
William BUSBY 14 Kensington Mrs Birt
Ellen DAVIS 10 Kensington Mrs Birt
Fredk. DAVIS 12 Kensington Mrs Birt
Edith TAYLOR 14 Kensington Mrs Birt
James TAYLOR 10 Kensington Mrs Birt
George WELLS 14 Kensington Mrs Birt
Amy PLATT 13 Chorlton Manchester and Salford Boys & Girls Refuges
Alice RIGGS 14 Solihull Emigration Homes Birmingham
Walter George RIGGS 12 Emigration Homes Birmingham
William Henry RIGGS 10 Emigration Homes Birmingham
Rose KANE 11 South Shields Dr Barnardo's Homes
Stanley GLAZEBROOK 12 Gloucester Dr Barnardo's Homes
....... Barnes Brick OLIVER 11 Gloucester Dr Barnardo's Homes
Arthur HODSON 14 Walsall Cath Em Homes
Joseph REDDY 14 Walsall Cath Em Homes
George BIGGS 11 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Chas H Burridge BLORE 13 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Jas. Henry BOWLING 14 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Edw. James BRADLEY 11 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Thos. Edward BRADLEY 14 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Josiah BREWIS 13 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Fredk Herbert BRIGGS 14 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Geo Wm Briggs AUST or SHAMLEY 11 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Charles CORPS or COWERS 13 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Thomas FOSTER or LEE(?) 9 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Wm Jas. GARLEY 11 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Alf. Thos. GRIMSLEY 12 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
William GRIMSLEY 10 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Ernest HAWKINS 9 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Thomas MORLEY 11 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Francis Wm PALMER 14 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Walter Edw. POPE 11 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Chas Godfrey SHEPHERDLY 12 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
...son SLUMAN 11 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
George Leonard TARING or CLARK 14 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Wm Jas THURGOOD 11 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
[page 5]
George ALLABUSH 9 Stepney Mrs. Birt
Esther ALLEN 13 Stepney Mrs. Birt
Janette (Jane) ALLEN 12 Stepney Mrs. Birt
Thomas BIRCHFIELD 11 Stepney Mrs. Birt
John DAWSON 12 Stepney Mrs. Birt
Charlotte PROTHEROE 10 Stepney Mrs. Birt
Robert Schwalm 11 Stepney Mrs. Birt
Chas Samuel BALDWIN 12 Preston Dr Barnardo's Homes
John BALDWIN 13 Preston Dr Barnardo's Homes
Patrick DUFFY 13 Leeds Cath. Em. Assn.
Mary Ann DOYLE 14 Farnham Cath. Em. Assn.
John FITZSIMMONS 13 Bradford (Yorks) Cath. Em. Assn.
Patrick STRANNEY 13 Bradford (Yorks) Cath. Em. Assn.
Jane LONG 11 Gateshead Dr Barnardo's Homes
Edward WOODS 14 City of London Dr Barnardo's Homes
John WOODS 13 City of London Dr Barnardo's Homes
Arthur TAYLOR 12 Great Yarmouth Dr Barnardo's Homes
Louie SENIOR 13 Tadcaster Dr Barnardo's Homes
George BURTON 11 Stepney Dr Barnardo's Homes
Charles PRAGNELL 12 Hammersmith Childrens' Aid Society
Edith PRAGNELL 8 Hammersmith Childrens' Aid Society
Leonard HOGG 13 Bath C. of E.
Geo. Alexander JONES 13 Fulham J Macpherson Merry
James DALE 13 St Pancras C. of E. Waifs and Strays Society
Edward KENSITT 12 St Pancras C. of E. Waifs and Strays Society
Arthur Chas MORTON 13 St Pancras C. of E. Waifs and Strays Society
Reuben PATTERSON 14 St Pancras C. of E. Waifs and Strays Society
Rose STONEBRIDGE 14 St Pancras C. of E. Waifs and Strays Society
James A WARD 13 St Pancras C. of E. Waifs and Strays Society
Mabel POPPLE 14 Peterborough C. of E. Waifs and Strays Society
Alfred HIGGINS 13 Stepney Cath. Em. Assn.
Ellen Jane DRISCOLL 13 Stepney Cath. Em. Assn.
Mary DRISCOLL 14 Stepney Cath. Em. Assn.
Mary Ann PICKERING 14 Bermondsey Cath. Em. Assn.
Annie COPPINGER 14 Gravesend and Milton Cath. Em. Assn.
Fredk. GODFREY 14 Camberwell Cath. Em. Assn.
Albert WILLIAMS 14 Uttoxter Dr Barnardo's Homes
Samuel BOUSFIELD 13 Stockton Dr Barnardo's Homes
Frank DAVISON 14 Stockton Dr Barnardo's Homes
William DAVISON 11 Stockton Dr Barnardo's Homes
Geo. Robert STEWART 13 Stockton Dr Barnardo's Homes
Alice COX 11 Stockton Cath. Em. Assn.
John O'SHAUGHNESSY 12 Cath. Em. Assn.
Jason FALLON 14 Cath. Em. Assn.
[Page 6]
Alfred GOODMAN 13 Fulham Cath. Em. Assn
Monica HALEY 12 Fulham Cath. Em. Assn
Edward OWENS 12 Fulham Cath. Em. Assn
John OWENS 10 Fulham Cath. Em. Assn
Alice TURNER 13 Fulham Cath. Em. Assn
William J ASHFIELD 14 Fulham J Macpherson Merry
Horace E CHARD 13 Fulham J Macpherson Merry
James H FARRANT 13 Fulham J Macpherson Merry
Florence M FLETCHER 12 Fulham J Macpherson Merry
George A FLETCHER 9 Fulham J Macpherson Merry
Edith M GRAYSON 13 Fulham J Macpherson Merry
Horace V GRAYSON 11 Fulham J Macpherson Merry
Abraham HYDES 14 Barnsley Cath Em. Assn.
John HEALEY 12 Greenwich Cath Em. Assn.
Michael LARKIN 14 Greenwich Cath Em. Assn.
George WOODWARD 13 Greenwich Cath Em. Assn.
Joseph WOODWARD 12 Greenwich Cath Em. Assn.
Willaim HAYES 14 Hackney Cath Em. Assn.
Harry ALLEN 10 Northwich Rev Dr. Gregory
Albert LAWRENCE 14 Newbury C. of E.
Beatrice LAWRENCE 13 Newbury C. of E.
Archibald BARNETT 14 Upton-on-Severn C. of E.
May WISE 8 Cockermouth Cath Em. Assn (Father Berry's Homes)
George SHARMAN 14 Depwade Dr Barnardo's Homes
George AUKETT 14 Eastbourne Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Alice L FUNNELL 11 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
Henry GIBBS 12 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
Alfred (Albt.) J GREEN 12 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
Fredk. GREEN 12 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
George HOPSON (HOBSON) 14 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
Henry T MILLER 9 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
William MILLER 9 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
James PITSON 10 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
William PITSON 13 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
Thomas READ 10 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
Albert REEVES 13 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
Albert SAUNDERS 13 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
John SAUNDERS 11 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
Hentu W J Smith 13 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
John TERRY 12 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
Ellen BEATTIE 12 St Marleybone J Macpherson Merry
James BEATTIE 13 St Marleybone J Macpherson Merry
Thos. Parish CHASE 11 St Marleybone J Macpherson Merry
Charles NEWMAN 10 St Marleybone J Macpherson Merry
Alfred Gray WALTON 14 Durham C. of E.
[page 7]
Michael SULLIVAN 14 Whitechapel Cath. Em. Assn.
Edward LEWIS 14 Kensington Cath. Em. Assn.
William WELSH 14 Kensington Cath. Em. Assn.
Edward ALLEN 14 Stepney Cath. Em. Assn.
James FARBRIDGE 11 Edmonton Dr Barnardo's Homes
Patrick HEALEY 13 Stoke-on-Trent Cath. Em. Assn.
Richard CHILDES 14 St. George in East Cath. Em. Assn.
Edward DAVIS 13 Poplar Borough Cath. Em. Assn.
William GANNON 12 Poplar Borough Cath. Em. Assn.
Herbert HOLLOWAY 14 Southwark Cath. Em. Assn.
Joseph TYNAN 12 Southwark Cath. Em. Assn.
Claude BROWN 11 Westminster Cath. Em. Assn.
John GLAVIN 10 St. Marleybone Cath. Em. Assn.
Stephen GLAVIN 12 St. Marleybone Cath. Em. Assn.
Harry FULLER 13 Bishop Stortford Barnardo
Florence MEIKLE 11 Ware J Macpherson Merry
Florence S BOWLING 12 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
John Geo. BRADLEY 8 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Elizabeth CLARK 9 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Cicely (Alice) FIELDING 13 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Mary A PADMORE 13 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Susannah PALMER 11 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Esther May REEVES 13 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Amy REYNOLDS 9 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Florence REYNOLDS 13 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Horace J ROGERS 13 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Elsie SANDERS (ELLIOTT) 10 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Elsie SAUNDERS 11 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
May Rebecca PHILLIPS 13 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Minnie Ivy PHILLIPS 12 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Winifred PHILLIPS 7 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Emily TILYARD 10 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Edward BALDWIN 13 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Albert BENNETT 12 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Annie BURRELL 10 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Richard BURRELL 13 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
May COLSTAN 13 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Henry CROCKETT 12 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Walter DRAPER 12 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Emily FOSTER 11 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Benjamin HODGE 10 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Crane HODGE 12 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Annie KENNEDY 12 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Edward Arthur LAMBDEN 9 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Charlotte MARKFELDT 9 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
George RUMBOLD (BRANSON) 9 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
[page last]
Jessie SMITH (PICTON) 12 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
George TUFFEY 13 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
William WEEHEW 12 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Alfred JONES 12 Dover Dr. Barnardo's Homes
William POTTS 13 Mile End Cath. Em. Homes (Father Berry's Homes)
John WALTERS 9 Cockermouth Cath. Em. Homes (Father Berry's Homes)
Mary MALONEY 14 Kensington Cath. Em. Homes (Father Berry's Homes)
Edward BENTLEY 14 Southwark Cath. Em. Homes (Father Berry's Homes)
Mary MOLLOY 14 Wigan Cath. Em. Homes (Father Berry's Homes)
Frank KEMP 14 St George's Dr Barnardo's Homes
Rosa DUMBRILL 12 Horsham Dr Barnardo's Homes
Alice DUMBRILL 9 Dumbrill Dr Barnardo's Homes
Wm Joseph GIMLETT 12 Newport, Mon. Dr Barnardo's Homes
Lilian R.C.RUMBLE 14 Reading Dr Barnardo's Homes
Dougal MCGREGOR 13 Middlesborough Cath Em. Assn.
John SULLIVAN 12 St. Marleybone Cath Em. Assn.
Thomas George KIRK 11 Upton-on Severn Dr Barnardo's Homes
Mary McPhee ST LAWRENCE 12 Gateshead Dr Barnardo's Homes
Sarah Jane ST LAWRENCE 10 Gateshead Dr Barnardo's Homes
Herbert TONGE 13 Grimsby Dr Barnardo's Homes
Immigration Branch (RG 76 Volume 194, File 73883, part 2)
Reel c-7348, or possibly c-7347.
High Commisioner for Canada, London England.
Payments in Advance for continuous inspection of workhouse Children
[page 3]
Chas Walter CAVANAGH 11 Aston Middlemore
Vincent CAVANAGH 12 Aston Middlemore
William GALLETT 8 Aston Middlemore
Frank GREGORY 14 Aston Middlemore
Ernest HUBBLE 11 Aston Middlemore
Lawrence HUBBLE 10 Aston Middlemore
George PAGE 14 Aston Middlemore
Joseph PAGET 7 Aston Middlemore
Wm. Henry PAGET 13 Aston Middlemore
Harriet TANDY 11 Aston Middlemore
William TANDY 14 Aston Middlemore
Leonard BIDDLE 10 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Herbert John CHISHOLM 10 Worcester Mr Middlemore
John PARDOE 7 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Thomas PARDOE 11 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Florence PEASEY 11 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Ethel PRICE 11 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Florence PRICE 13 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Rose PRICE 5 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Elsie Ellen ROUSE 11 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Henry ROUSE 8 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Matilda TOWNLEY 8 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Zihnia (sic) TOWNLEY 10 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Freda WILKINS 13 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Winifred WILKINS 4 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Kate WILKINS 11 Worcester Mr Middlemore
Geo. Leonard ROCK 13 Leicester Mr Middlemore
William HOPKINS 12 St Marleybone J Macpherson Merry
James WATTS 12 St Marleybone J Macpherson Merry
Charles WESTBROOK 12 St Marleybone J Macpherson Merry
Daisy WESTBROOK 10 St Marleybone J Macpherson Merry
Beatrice A ALEXANDER 13 Reading Dr Barnardo's Homes
Ernest Albert ALEXANDER 11 Reading Dr Barnardo's Homes
Frank APPLEBY 12 Reading Dr Barnardo's Homes
Lily APPLEBy 10 Reading Dr Barnardo's Homes
Jane BAKER 13 Reading Dr Barnardo's Homes
Reginald HAINES 13 Reading Dr Barnardo's Homes
Lily NEWMAN 10 Reading Dr Barnardo's Homes
Albert Edward RUTT 12 Reading Dr Barnardo's Homes
Ethel May WHITING 12 Reading Dr Barnardo's Homes
Eva Mary WHITING 14 Reading Dr Barnardo's Homes
Leonard WHITING 9 Reading Dr Barnardo's Homes
Harriet BINNS 10 Hunslet Mrs. Birt
Lilian BINNS 12 Hunslet Mrs. Birt
Alice PRIEST 10 Hunslet Mrs. Birt
Florence PRIEST 5 Hunslet Mrs. Birt
Ruth WOOD 13 Hunslet Mrs. Birt
[page 4]
Henry CARRINGTON 14 Birmingham Em. Homes Birmingham
George FROGATT 14 Birmingham Em. Homes Birmingham
Alice PHILIPS 13 Birmingham Em. Homes Birmingham
William WASSALL 14 Birmingham Em. Homes Birmingham
John ANGUS 13 Burton-on-Trent C of E.
Walter TAYLOR 14 Burton-on-Trent C of E.
Thomas Gilbraith 13 Hartlepool C of E.
Frederick BARNARDO 9 Kensington Mrs Birt
William BUSBY 14 Kensington Mrs Birt
Ellen DAVIS 10 Kensington Mrs Birt
Fredk. DAVIS 12 Kensington Mrs Birt
Edith TAYLOR 14 Kensington Mrs Birt
James TAYLOR 10 Kensington Mrs Birt
George WELLS 14 Kensington Mrs Birt
Amy PLATT 13 Chorlton Manchester and Salford Boys & Girls Refuges
Alice RIGGS 14 Solihull Emigration Homes Birmingham
Walter George RIGGS 12 Emigration Homes Birmingham
William Henry RIGGS 10 Emigration Homes Birmingham
Rose KANE 11 South Shields Dr Barnardo's Homes
Stanley GLAZEBROOK 12 Gloucester Dr Barnardo's Homes
....... Barnes Brick OLIVER 11 Gloucester Dr Barnardo's Homes
Arthur HODSON 14 Walsall Cath Em Homes
Joseph REDDY 14 Walsall Cath Em Homes
George BIGGS 11 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Chas H Burridge BLORE 13 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Jas. Henry BOWLING 14 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Edw. James BRADLEY 11 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Thos. Edward BRADLEY 14 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Josiah BREWIS 13 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Fredk Herbert BRIGGS 14 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Geo Wm Briggs AUST or SHAMLEY 11 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Charles CORPS or COWERS 13 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Thomas FOSTER or LEE(?) 9 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Wm Jas. GARLEY 11 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Alf. Thos. GRIMSLEY 12 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
William GRIMSLEY 10 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Ernest HAWKINS 9 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Thomas MORLEY 11 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Francis Wm PALMER 14 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Walter Edw. POPE 11 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Chas Godfrey SHEPHERDLY 12 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
...son SLUMAN 11 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
George Leonard TARING or CLARK 14 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Wm Jas THURGOOD 11 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
[page 5]
George ALLABUSH 9 Stepney Mrs. Birt
Esther ALLEN 13 Stepney Mrs. Birt
Janette (Jane) ALLEN 12 Stepney Mrs. Birt
Thomas BIRCHFIELD 11 Stepney Mrs. Birt
John DAWSON 12 Stepney Mrs. Birt
Charlotte PROTHEROE 10 Stepney Mrs. Birt
Robert Schwalm 11 Stepney Mrs. Birt
Chas Samuel BALDWIN 12 Preston Dr Barnardo's Homes
John BALDWIN 13 Preston Dr Barnardo's Homes
Patrick DUFFY 13 Leeds Cath. Em. Assn.
Mary Ann DOYLE 14 Farnham Cath. Em. Assn.
John FITZSIMMONS 13 Bradford (Yorks) Cath. Em. Assn.
Patrick STRANNEY 13 Bradford (Yorks) Cath. Em. Assn.
Jane LONG 11 Gateshead Dr Barnardo's Homes
Edward WOODS 14 City of London Dr Barnardo's Homes
John WOODS 13 City of London Dr Barnardo's Homes
Arthur TAYLOR 12 Great Yarmouth Dr Barnardo's Homes
Louie SENIOR 13 Tadcaster Dr Barnardo's Homes
George BURTON 11 Stepney Dr Barnardo's Homes
Charles PRAGNELL 12 Hammersmith Childrens' Aid Society
Edith PRAGNELL 8 Hammersmith Childrens' Aid Society
Leonard HOGG 13 Bath C. of E.
Geo. Alexander JONES 13 Fulham J Macpherson Merry
James DALE 13 St Pancras C. of E. Waifs and Strays Society
Edward KENSITT 12 St Pancras C. of E. Waifs and Strays Society
Arthur Chas MORTON 13 St Pancras C. of E. Waifs and Strays Society
Reuben PATTERSON 14 St Pancras C. of E. Waifs and Strays Society
Rose STONEBRIDGE 14 St Pancras C. of E. Waifs and Strays Society
James A WARD 13 St Pancras C. of E. Waifs and Strays Society
Mabel POPPLE 14 Peterborough C. of E. Waifs and Strays Society
Alfred HIGGINS 13 Stepney Cath. Em. Assn.
Ellen Jane DRISCOLL 13 Stepney Cath. Em. Assn.
Mary DRISCOLL 14 Stepney Cath. Em. Assn.
Mary Ann PICKERING 14 Bermondsey Cath. Em. Assn.
Annie COPPINGER 14 Gravesend and Milton Cath. Em. Assn.
Fredk. GODFREY 14 Camberwell Cath. Em. Assn.
Albert WILLIAMS 14 Uttoxter Dr Barnardo's Homes
Samuel BOUSFIELD 13 Stockton Dr Barnardo's Homes
Frank DAVISON 14 Stockton Dr Barnardo's Homes
William DAVISON 11 Stockton Dr Barnardo's Homes
Geo. Robert STEWART 13 Stockton Dr Barnardo's Homes
Alice COX 11 Stockton Cath. Em. Assn.
John O'SHAUGHNESSY 12 Cath. Em. Assn.
Jason FALLON 14 Cath. Em. Assn.
[Page 6]
Alfred GOODMAN 13 Fulham Cath. Em. Assn
Monica HALEY 12 Fulham Cath. Em. Assn
Edward OWENS 12 Fulham Cath. Em. Assn
John OWENS 10 Fulham Cath. Em. Assn
Alice TURNER 13 Fulham Cath. Em. Assn
William J ASHFIELD 14 Fulham J Macpherson Merry
Horace E CHARD 13 Fulham J Macpherson Merry
James H FARRANT 13 Fulham J Macpherson Merry
Florence M FLETCHER 12 Fulham J Macpherson Merry
George A FLETCHER 9 Fulham J Macpherson Merry
Edith M GRAYSON 13 Fulham J Macpherson Merry
Horace V GRAYSON 11 Fulham J Macpherson Merry
Abraham HYDES 14 Barnsley Cath Em. Assn.
John HEALEY 12 Greenwich Cath Em. Assn.
Michael LARKIN 14 Greenwich Cath Em. Assn.
George WOODWARD 13 Greenwich Cath Em. Assn.
Joseph WOODWARD 12 Greenwich Cath Em. Assn.
Willaim HAYES 14 Hackney Cath Em. Assn.
Harry ALLEN 10 Northwich Rev Dr. Gregory
Albert LAWRENCE 14 Newbury C. of E.
Beatrice LAWRENCE 13 Newbury C. of E.
Archibald BARNETT 14 Upton-on-Severn C. of E.
May WISE 8 Cockermouth Cath Em. Assn (Father Berry's Homes)
George SHARMAN 14 Depwade Dr Barnardo's Homes
George AUKETT 14 Eastbourne Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Alice L FUNNELL 11 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
Henry GIBBS 12 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
Alfred (Albt.) J GREEN 12 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
Fredk. GREEN 12 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
George HOPSON (HOBSON) 14 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
Henry T MILLER 9 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
William MILLER 9 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
James PITSON 10 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
William PITSON 13 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
Thomas READ 10 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
Albert REEVES 13 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
Albert SAUNDERS 13 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
John SAUNDERS 11 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
Hentu W J Smith 13 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
John TERRY 12 West Ham. J Macpherson Merry
Ellen BEATTIE 12 St Marleybone J Macpherson Merry
James BEATTIE 13 St Marleybone J Macpherson Merry
Thos. Parish CHASE 11 St Marleybone J Macpherson Merry
Charles NEWMAN 10 St Marleybone J Macpherson Merry
Alfred Gray WALTON 14 Durham C. of E.
[page 7]
Michael SULLIVAN 14 Whitechapel Cath. Em. Assn.
Edward LEWIS 14 Kensington Cath. Em. Assn.
William WELSH 14 Kensington Cath. Em. Assn.
Edward ALLEN 14 Stepney Cath. Em. Assn.
James FARBRIDGE 11 Edmonton Dr Barnardo's Homes
Patrick HEALEY 13 Stoke-on-Trent Cath. Em. Assn.
Richard CHILDES 14 St. George in East Cath. Em. Assn.
Edward DAVIS 13 Poplar Borough Cath. Em. Assn.
William GANNON 12 Poplar Borough Cath. Em. Assn.
Herbert HOLLOWAY 14 Southwark Cath. Em. Assn.
Joseph TYNAN 12 Southwark Cath. Em. Assn.
Claude BROWN 11 Westminster Cath. Em. Assn.
John GLAVIN 10 St. Marleybone Cath. Em. Assn.
Stephen GLAVIN 12 St. Marleybone Cath. Em. Assn.
Harry FULLER 13 Bishop Stortford Barnardo
Florence MEIKLE 11 Ware J Macpherson Merry
Florence S BOWLING 12 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
John Geo. BRADLEY 8 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Elizabeth CLARK 9 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Cicely (Alice) FIELDING 13 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Mary A PADMORE 13 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Susannah PALMER 11 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Esther May REEVES 13 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Amy REYNOLDS 9 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Florence REYNOLDS 13 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Horace J ROGERS 13 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Elsie SANDERS (ELLIOTT) 10 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Elsie SAUNDERS 11 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
May Rebecca PHILLIPS 13 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Minnie Ivy PHILLIPS 12 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Winifred PHILLIPS 7 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Emily TILYARD 10 Hackney J Macpherson Merry
Edward BALDWIN 13 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Albert BENNETT 12 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Annie BURRELL 10 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Richard BURRELL 13 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
May COLSTAN 13 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Henry CROCKETT 12 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Walter DRAPER 12 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Emily FOSTER 11 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Benjamin HODGE 10 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Crane HODGE 12 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Annie KENNEDY 12 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Edward Arthur LAMBDEN 9 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Charlotte MARKFELDT 9 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
George RUMBOLD (BRANSON) 9 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
[page last]
Jessie SMITH (PICTON) 12 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
George TUFFEY 13 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
William WEEHEW 12 Lambeth Dr. Barnardo's Homes
Alfred JONES 12 Dover Dr. Barnardo's Homes
William POTTS 13 Mile End Cath. Em. Homes (Father Berry's Homes)
John WALTERS 9 Cockermouth Cath. Em. Homes (Father Berry's Homes)
Mary MALONEY 14 Kensington Cath. Em. Homes (Father Berry's Homes)
Edward BENTLEY 14 Southwark Cath. Em. Homes (Father Berry's Homes)
Mary MOLLOY 14 Wigan Cath. Em. Homes (Father Berry's Homes)
Frank KEMP 14 St George's Dr Barnardo's Homes
Rosa DUMBRILL 12 Horsham Dr Barnardo's Homes
Alice DUMBRILL 9 Dumbrill Dr Barnardo's Homes
Wm Joseph GIMLETT 12 Newport, Mon. Dr Barnardo's Homes
Lilian R.C.RUMBLE 14 Reading Dr Barnardo's Homes
Dougal MCGREGOR 13 Middlesborough Cath Em. Assn.
John SULLIVAN 12 St. Marleybone Cath Em. Assn.
Thomas George KIRK 11 Upton-on Severn Dr Barnardo's Homes
Mary McPhee ST LAWRENCE 12 Gateshead Dr Barnardo's Homes
Sarah Jane ST LAWRENCE 10 Gateshead Dr Barnardo's Homes
Herbert TONGE 13 Grimsby Dr Barnardo's Homes