E. A. Struthers Day Book 1905
Transcribed by Roberta Horrox
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Names of the boys listed in these records
George May, George Arnold, Harry Corden, William Holmgreen, Henry Thompson, James Cecil, James Doudican, Frankage Ford, DAvid Baxter Herron, James A Shanks, Stansfield Sykes, George William Watson, George Willis, John Abby, Henry Ashworth, William Dyer, Edward Hallam Henry, Percy Legge, Robert John Mahoney, Thomas Unwin, John Unwin, Arthur Beardmore, Peter Bates, Alfred Cluderay, Joseph Walford Poynton, Samuel Victor Robinson, Percy Moat Richardson, Peter Reed, Henry Arthur Read, Harry Wilde, Albert John Carpenter, Edward D. Roberts, George Watson, Frank Bate, Fred Bristow, George Henry Bryan, James Brown, John Brownlow, Oswald Birch, William Clare, William Angus Campbell, Edward Deane, Rowland Daniels, William George Ediss, William Foster, John Gavin, Arthur Gamble, Saml J Hodgkins or Sal J Hodgkins, William Hamblett, Harold Hawle, Edward Harding, John Lough, George A Lowe, James Laughton, Mullen, William Mangan, Joseph Naton, Frank Onslow, Edward Page, Thomas Henry Pannell, Arthur Richards, Alex Reader, William Reed, Stanley Rowles, Alex Robinson, John Stephenson, William Shorh or William Snorh, Arthur Cornelius Smith, Arthur Smith, Douglas Saunders, Herbert Tomkins, William Thorne, Wm. John. H. Tamblingson, Francis Fred K Valentine, Ernest Wood, James Wood, Harry Weatherall or allHarry Weather, Uriah Weatherhead, alberrt Whiffin, William Armstrong, William Raynor Brown, Richard Bassett, Harry Brinbridge, John William Buck, Joseph C, Beard, John Thomas Coverdale or John Thomas Covendaler, Robert Arthur Greenwood, George Henry Gower, David Hazely, Edward Hanlon, William McLoed Henderson, Alfred Henry Jenkins, Herbert J Keen, John Livingstone, John William Murray, William Mintram, Kenneth MacDonald, Joseph McCulloch, John McTear or John McGear, John R Oakley, Percy Ed Phillips, John Spall, Albert Henry Summerfield, James Stokes, John Simmons, William Wainwright, Percy Watts, Thomas Ward, A. Ward, William Burke, Bertie Duley or Bertie Duby, Ronald Ellis, Charles O Gosling, Charles Hanby or Charles Hanley, Frank Holt, Henry Hudson, Henry Oscar leCorrar, Partick Merrill or Patrick McNeill, Michael Mooney, Frederick Alf Parham, James Thompson, James Vickers, Job Woodford, Harold George Atkinson, John Bushnell or John Bucknell, Frank A Baldwin, Herbert Butterworth, John Coleman, John Thomas Coulson, John Crowhurst, Edward C. Down, Daniel Evans, Thomas Elms, Arthur G. Herbert, George Hyde, Arthur William Hicks, William James Harvey, Joseph F. Johnston, William Jones, William Bent, Edgar Lambert, Edward R Mitchell, Mihran Osquian, Stanley G Bratt or Stanley G Pratt, George Rousell, Thomas George Rossen, James Spinks, Ernest Sykes, Frank Wray, James William Wilson
Other items photographed
Wm Thomas Eaton, Kare Nickel,
Mentions Robb sick with thyphoid fever
Matt Marno rtn to Russell Home. Sunday Jan 15 had been in Ottawa can’ find work
16th Marno going to Mr. Lang of Plumas
Wednesday Jan 18
wired winnipeg re Eaton case
Pope - re laziness
Currie and Parkes brought before Struthers setting fire to isolated hospital
Currie booked to go out to Cartwright on Thursday
Thurs Jan 19
Currie to Cartwright
employment of McKenzie of Regina
Sat Jan 21
Met Planner at station claims to be working for a man named Ross north of Minnedosa, said he has been employed lately by CPR. Boy is well dressed and as usual happy.
Tuesday Jan 24
Eaton case some details Judge let boy off on suspended sentence. Struthers agreed to go on his bond $50.00 and appear when wanted.
Wednesday Jan 25
wired D. McLean re: boy Wilson at one time in Portage Jail. Wilson out after 14 days for trespass on CPR yards.
Friday Jan 27
Wainwright called at home out of work but went back to Russell to await a job from Strooper.
Sunday Jan 29
Dyer Poynton and S??? absent without leave.
Monday Jan 30th
dealt with RNWMP report re Stephen Broad
Wednesday Feb 1
George Watson and Munday to train
Wrote to Virginia re lands for sale
Parkes given strap for breaking a hay rack and lying about the accident
Thurs. Feb 2
Wood to Wpg.
? to Manitou
Friday Feb 3
Hugh McKelvey to station with James
James Calvert of Spy Hill received application for a boy
Left word: re Albert Fryer at Hamiota
Monday 6
Learned of the death of James D Kippon
Obliged to bring Parkes to office a give him a severe strapping for his laziness
Tues 7
James attended Mr. Kippon’s funeral
Fri 10
prepared Chas. Parkes for situation sent to train station
Sent box of clothing to Rev. Leslie for use of Wpg poor among whom are no doubt a lot of our boys
Monday 13
rec’d confirmation from C.P.R. re: extension of Russell Branch
Tue 14
Taking Baldwin to train
Mrs. Struther’s and Neville return from Russell with mail and brought back chump Littler who has run away from his employer Stanley of Solsgirlh (last 2 letters hard to read - might possiblyeven be th)
Wed 15
sent Neville with letter and Olive train
Dondican doing excellent work on typewritter for Mr. Thompson and me
mentions: St Lawrence Est.
Thur 16
To Russell with Jno Allen for purpose of dividing the St. Lawrence property
John Allen shipped three chests of tools and clothing to Henry St. Lawrence care of Archibald Machray & Sharpe
Fri 17
In Winnipeg at house interview with Miss Workman and youth Humphreys who was out on begging tour
Went to Salvation Army home - James Hamilton accompanied and went Adjt. Kenway who seems a particularly bright fellow, place better liked but (next few words illegible) a good work.
Monday 20
Percy called re his late father watch
Tue 28
Arranged for Richard Wilson to go to J. Flynn, Birtlle
March 1
Richard Wilson to train to go to J. Flynn Birtle
Frid 3
Harris returned from Newdale without cause and rec’d reprimand and ordered to return in the am to Mr. Lambs against whom he does not appear to have one word of complaint.
Sat 4
sent Harris back to his situation and Pope to a place near Mineota.
Sun 5
Mr. Norquay took the service at the farm home in the am. A very small attendance of boys as numbers are much reduced but large list of staff.
Mon 6
Prepared a lot of sent letters for City of Winnipeg Council in re exemption of home from taxes
rece’d word that E.M. William is preparing to move east and settle in a little town called Leamington
The boy Langley disappeared today and was seen walking down the track stating that he had been kicked out of the house
Wed 8
re’d wire from George Watson that he is stranded in Minnedosa and can not obtain work Arranged with clerk to supply ticket and charge at Russell to acct of home. Watson claims the man he was sent to was so dirty in his habits he was forced to leave his employ.
Sat 11
Had a call from a lad named Walters who had been in the Neepawa district for nearly two years and now desires to secure employment at the farm, sent this young man to Russell with Mr. Neville to search for employment.
Matt Marno rtn to Russell Home. Sunday Jan 15 had been in Ottawa can’ find work
16th Marno going to Mr. Lang of Plumas
Wednesday Jan 18
wired winnipeg re Eaton case
Pope - re laziness
Currie and Parkes brought before Struthers setting fire to isolated hospital
Currie booked to go out to Cartwright on Thursday
Thurs Jan 19
Currie to Cartwright
employment of McKenzie of Regina
Sat Jan 21
Met Planner at station claims to be working for a man named Ross north of Minnedosa, said he has been employed lately by CPR. Boy is well dressed and as usual happy.
Tuesday Jan 24
Eaton case some details Judge let boy off on suspended sentence. Struthers agreed to go on his bond $50.00 and appear when wanted.
Wednesday Jan 25
wired D. McLean re: boy Wilson at one time in Portage Jail. Wilson out after 14 days for trespass on CPR yards.
Friday Jan 27
Wainwright called at home out of work but went back to Russell to await a job from Strooper.
Sunday Jan 29
Dyer Poynton and S??? absent without leave.
Monday Jan 30th
dealt with RNWMP report re Stephen Broad
Wednesday Feb 1
George Watson and Munday to train
Wrote to Virginia re lands for sale
Parkes given strap for breaking a hay rack and lying about the accident
Thurs. Feb 2
Wood to Wpg.
? to Manitou
Friday Feb 3
Hugh McKelvey to station with James
James Calvert of Spy Hill received application for a boy
Left word: re Albert Fryer at Hamiota
Monday 6
Learned of the death of James D Kippon
Obliged to bring Parkes to office a give him a severe strapping for his laziness
Tues 7
James attended Mr. Kippon’s funeral
Fri 10
prepared Chas. Parkes for situation sent to train station
Sent box of clothing to Rev. Leslie for use of Wpg poor among whom are no doubt a lot of our boys
Monday 13
rec’d confirmation from C.P.R. re: extension of Russell Branch
Tue 14
Taking Baldwin to train
Mrs. Struther’s and Neville return from Russell with mail and brought back chump Littler who has run away from his employer Stanley of Solsgirlh (last 2 letters hard to read - might possiblyeven be th)
Wed 15
sent Neville with letter and Olive train
Dondican doing excellent work on typewritter for Mr. Thompson and me
mentions: St Lawrence Est.
Thur 16
To Russell with Jno Allen for purpose of dividing the St. Lawrence property
John Allen shipped three chests of tools and clothing to Henry St. Lawrence care of Archibald Machray & Sharpe
Fri 17
In Winnipeg at house interview with Miss Workman and youth Humphreys who was out on begging tour
Went to Salvation Army home - James Hamilton accompanied and went Adjt. Kenway who seems a particularly bright fellow, place better liked but (next few words illegible) a good work.
Monday 20
Percy called re his late father watch
Tue 28
Arranged for Richard Wilson to go to J. Flynn, Birtlle
March 1
Richard Wilson to train to go to J. Flynn Birtle
Frid 3
Harris returned from Newdale without cause and rec’d reprimand and ordered to return in the am to Mr. Lambs against whom he does not appear to have one word of complaint.
Sat 4
sent Harris back to his situation and Pope to a place near Mineota.
Sun 5
Mr. Norquay took the service at the farm home in the am. A very small attendance of boys as numbers are much reduced but large list of staff.
Mon 6
Prepared a lot of sent letters for City of Winnipeg Council in re exemption of home from taxes
rece’d word that E.M. William is preparing to move east and settle in a little town called Leamington
The boy Langley disappeared today and was seen walking down the track stating that he had been kicked out of the house
Wed 8
re’d wire from George Watson that he is stranded in Minnedosa and can not obtain work Arranged with clerk to supply ticket and charge at Russell to acct of home. Watson claims the man he was sent to was so dirty in his habits he was forced to leave his employ.
Sat 11
Had a call from a lad named Walters who had been in the Neepawa district for nearly two years and now desires to secure employment at the farm, sent this young man to Russell with Mr. Neville to search for employment.