The Fegan Home for Orphaned Boys
Operated as the Mr. Fegan's Home from 1900 until 1961
The Fegan home originally opened in 1863 as the St. Paul's School under the ownership of William Sankey. The home operated successfullly until his death in 1875. It was then run by Walter Short who soon run the school's reputation into the ground. The school closed in 1882. It was revived again 1888 but could not attract enough students, closing permanently in 1895. The building was used as a cigar factory in 1896, but lay empty for four years until Mr.J W C Fegan bought the building in 1900. It would be known as Mr. Fegan's Homes.
The Fegan home today
click on photo to see larger view
click on photo to see larger view
For more information on the Fegan Homes and how to retrieve BHC's records see:
Young Immigrants to Canada
Fegans web site
Wolverton Past
Canadian Fegan Boy Arthur Lankshear's story
Photos from Flicker
Paul Cripps
Jim Rowe
Young Immigrants to Canada
Fegans web site
Wolverton Past
Canadian Fegan Boy Arthur Lankshear's story
Photos from Flicker
Paul Cripps
Jim Rowe