The Fegan Home
295 George Street, Toronto, Ontario
Around 3,166 boys migrated to Canada between 1884 to 1938 through the Fegan Homes.James William Condell Fegan (b. 27 April 1852) established his first home in1872 at the High Street, Deptford, followed by The Little Wanderers' Home (Greenwich), the Southwark Home and The Red Lamp (Westminster). Fegan also established a home in Brandon, Manitoba and Toronto.
Fegan had a home designed to be built in Toronto (published Oct 1885 newsletter) - but funds could not be raised to build this home, and in 1887 Mr. Gooderham, of The Boys' Home on George Street (where the Fegan boys went prior to the George Street house) donated the house down the street to Mr. Fegan.
From the British Home Children Advocacy & Research Association December 2015 Newsletter - Histories of the Receiving Homes. © BHCARA 2015
To Subscribe to the BHC Newsletter visit:
Three thousand one hundred and sixty six boys migrated to Canada between 1884 to 1938 through the Fegan Homes. James William Condell Fegan (1852 - 1925) established his first home in 1872 at the High Street, Deptford, followed by The Little Wanderers' Home (Greenwich), the Southwark Home and The Red Lamp (Westminster). Fegan began immigrating children to Canada in 1884, with a group of ten children. Impressed with the opportunities he saw in Canada, he made a second trip that year, this time with fifty boys. This party of children were housed in Government Immigration Sheds, as Fegan did not yet have accommodations in Canada for his boys. Mr. William Gooderham, a supporter of Fegan’s work, helped him send forty three of these children to Brandon, Manitoba. These boys were the first Home Children brought to Manitoba.
From 1885 until 1887 the Fegan children were received at Mr. William Gooderham’s establishment, “The Boys’ Home” located on George Street in Toronto. William Gooderham was the son of the famous Canadian distiller, also named William. William Sr. was the founder of the Gooderham and Worts company, once the largest largest distiller of alcoholic beverages in Canada. Their manufacturing facilities still exist today as Toronto’s famous Distillery District. William Jr was a firm and consistent supporter of Fegan’s work throughout the years and would sit on the Canadian Council of Juvenile Immigration in support of Fegan’s work.
By 1885 Fegan, under the guidance of Mr. Gooderham, began the search for his own facility in Toronto. Fegan had home plans drawn, but funds could not be raised to build. In 1887 Mr. Gooderham donated his property, 295 George Street, Toronto, to the Fegan’s. The home was originally known as the Colonial Distributing Home. Boys would continue to be received there until 1938 when child immigration to Ontario ended. Mr. Fegan had died in 1925, following which his wife, Mary Pope, continued his work until her death in a 1945. She was killed in an air raid bombing of their training farm in Goudhurst, England.
The original owner of 295 George Street was one of the wealthiest men in Toronto, George William Allan. Mr. Allan was the president of the Toronto Horticultural Society and at one time, the Mayor of Toronto. In 1853, he began to develop this area for residential use and this is when the Fegan Home, originally a semi detached home, was built. It had been used as a rental property before Mr. Gooderham purchased it in 1886. Although the home was not legally owned by Fegan’s until 1894, updating of the home’s appearance began in the late 1880’s with additions of Second Empire and Gothic Revival designs. 1895 saw the addition of a mansard roof, a “new front” and 2 ½-storey rear wing. The main entrance to the building was modified with stucco cladding, wood strap work and the main door was centred.In June of 1938, the Fegan’s sold the home to the Society of Crippled Civilians and it was used to house the disabled. This society would become Goodwill. Goodwill’s first clothing store was at 295 George Street. In 1945 the owners of Howlett and Smith Limited, photo engravers purchased the home. From 1945 until 1999 it served as a warehouse for Interalia Co. Ltd. It was sold in 2000 and again in 2005 to a numbered company.In October of 2011, the home caught the interest of Eleanor McGrath, a Toronto film producer. She contacted the Heritage Preservation Services and asked that they begin the process to get the home declared a Heritage site. The very next day, the home went up in flames!
In spite of the damage, the council determined the architectural integrity remained intact. 295 George Street is one of the the oldest surviving residential structures in the city. Many of the Fegan boys had scratched their names into the bricks of this home! Eleanor’s interest peaked, she decided to make a film about this home. What began to her, as a story about this home, became a documentary about much more, The British Home Children.
The city outlined plans, in 2013, to secure the building and, in late 2014 early 2015, to proceed with stabilization of the structure which will remain in place until redevelopment begins, likely in 2018. The Ontario Genealogical Society stepped in in 2013 to ensure the BHC history and the bricks etched with the boys names will be preserved.
Fegan Records
For records on the Fegan children contact their England offices at: Fegans 160 St. James Road Tunbridge Wells Kent TN1 2HE England Phone: Inside UK: 01892 538288 International: +44 (0)1892-538288 [email protected] Besides English children, the Fegan's Homes often received Irish Children - from Miss Carr's Home in Dublin for example - and sent them on to Canada. Fegans also organised the passage to Canada of some Armenians in approximately 1923 Information on the children in Canada can be obtained through Irene Fry - contact her at: [email protected] - please note Canadian records are not very detailed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global Genealogy has released digitized copies of ALL surviving Fegan Homes newsletters that were published between 1877 and 1920. More than 1650 searchable pages in total (PDF format - PC & Mac). Visit their web site for purchase details!
A photo from Connie Rowe - The Boys' Home owned by Mr. Gooderham and located on George Street in Toronto, just down the street from the Fegan Home. Fegan boys up till 1887 were received at this home. In the April 1886 newsletter edition there is again mention of a party of boys from 1884 were received at The Boys' Home placed under Mr. Godderham's care. 43 of these boys were taken to the West Coast of Canada.
After 1887, the boys were received at this George Street home, donated to Fegan's by Mr. Gooderham
Below, what remains of the Fegan Home - taken by Lori Oschefski, January 18th 2014
Below, what remains of the Fegan Home - taken by Lori Oschefski, January 18th 2014
Name in the bricks
In the ruins of the Fegan Home are many name of the children
for information on these bricks and these photos please contact
Marjorie Kohli at:
Photos taken by ali thompson
Global Genealogy has just released digitized copies of ALL surviving Fegan Homes newsletters that were published between 1877 and 1920. More than 1650 searchable pages in total (PDF format - PC & Mac). Visit their web site for purchase details!
May 30 1885 aboard the Sarmatian
Albert Griffin, Alfred Davis, Alfred McDonald, Arthur Clarke, Arthur Johnstone, Arthur Smith, Charles Brand, Charles Davis, Charles Rome, David Ace, Francis Rooney, Fred Pizey, George Roberts, George Sankey, Harry Griffiths, Henry Harding, Henry Moore, Henry Precious, Henry A Chappell, James Drescher, James Flaherty, James Holder, John Bowe, John Moss, John Groom, Michael Garden, Morris Phillips, Richard Grover, Robert Browne, Roderick Greefield, Roger Grewett, Roger Grint, Samuel Saville, Samuel Williams, Thomas Johnston, Thomas Parkinson, Thomas Spiller, William Brown, William Kimber, William Prescott, William Reed, William Parsey, William Moss, William Hopkins, William Dickson, William Hagell, William H Burge
May 28 1886 Party
Frederick Arnold, Adam Frick, Albert Gooding, Albert Roberts, Albert Tweski, Albert Hoare, Alex Hurley, Alfred Brown, Alfred Jacob, Alfred Honor, Alfred Spriggs, Alfred Truster, Alfred Moody, Alfred Leggens, Arthur Brunt, Arthur Hatch, Arthur Cates, Bertie Gardiner, Charles Cheek, Charles Cluskman, Charles Snow, Charles Powell, Daniel Goodchild, Edward Chapman, Edward Hammond, Edwin Hoare, Edwin Weeks, Ernest Godeder, Frank Gordon, Frederick Arnold, Frederick Sadler, George Barrett, George Claxton, George Wivall, George Hitchcock, George Coopoer, Goodwin Draw, Harry Brown, Henry Hooper, Henry Swell, Henry Tattersell, Henry Shollar, Henry Kibble, Henry Penny, Henry Randall, Herbert Jarvis, Herbert Young, Hewer Wells, Jack Goodchild, James Draper, James Drister, James Kane, James Page, James Ryan, James Whatmore, James White, James Shedgett, James Roach, James Maddox, John Bannister, John Bowdler, John Fairman, John Simmons, John Simmons, John Procononick, John Notley, John Morris, John Hopkins, John Hodgson, John Green, John Frewin, John Finey, John A Dixie, Joseph Wells, Richard Hooper, Richard White, Richard George Leak, Richard Thomas Mattison, Robert Broadbent, Samuel Farmer, Sidney Lambert, Thomas Childs, Thomas Phillips, Walter Harris, Walter Moffatt, William Barber, William Phillips, William Robinson, William Wildgoose, William Welch, William Searle, William Prescott, William Pent, William Oween, William Hart, William Hodge, William Collyer, William Eliesson
Photo of the Fegan Boys who were emigrated to Canada on the SS Labrador on May 4 1895.
Sanit, Albert Roberts, Albert Walton, Alfred Bell, Alfred Nash, Alfred Smith, Alfred Stockwell, Alfred Smith, Alfred Scott, Arhtur Ball, Arthur Kingsbury, arhtur Frank, Arhtur Pank, Bernard Thomas,Charles Davies, Charles Goodall, Charles Britten, Charles Smith, Charles Lander, Charles Griffen, Edward Swietzer, Edwin Holden, Edwin Ledwin, ernest Bubbs, ernest Drew, Ernest Strange, Ernest Woodin, Ernest Show, F. Woods, Francis Daniels, Frederick Dicker, Frederick Osalcomby, George Green, George Hines, George Osmars, George Turner, George Smith, George Leamen, George Howard, Harry West, Henry Croucher, Henry Seal, Henry White, Henry Vessey, Henry Smith, Henry Popyer, Henry Popple, Henry Knowles, Henry Hopper, Henry Fessey, Herbert Bonney, Herbert Syaril, Herbert Thomas, J Daniels, James Clark, James Jarrett, John Benrenken, John Cleary, John scott, John Sharp, John Scales, John Hodgson, Joseph Arthur, Joseph Clark, Joseph Farrow, L Beeson, Richard Francis, Richard Ringrow, Samuel Farnell, Sidney Morey, Stanley Starker, Sydney Bennett, T. Carter, Thoms Cossentine, Thomas Holder, Thomas Veal, Thomas Scales, Thomas Morse, Thomas Mills, Thomas Hulbert, Walter Warner, William Bunnage, Willian Croucher, William Fletcher, William Reeves, William Roberts, William King, William Lane, William Hopton, William Harrington, William Fallin, William Burton, George R. Blong.
March 1897 party
Fegan boys arriving June 4th 1898 aboard the Yorkshire
Arrival 1899-04-23 aboard the Dominion
A Marchant, A G Barefoot, Albert Holt, Alfred Driscoll, Alfred Williams, Alfred William Monk, Charles Barnard, Charles Blong, Charles Stanley, Charles Mayhew, Chris Brickwood, Clifford Mundy, D Resuggan, Edward Morris, Edward Roberts, Ernest Field, Ernest Holt, Ernest Heath, Ernest Henry Hopton, Francis Dobie, George Brickwood, George Chadney, George Burbas, George Stafford, George Shears, George Hatfield, Harry Cole, Henry Burd, Henry Kenward, J Milne, J H Duell, J H Mulchinoch, James Wheeler, John Voller, Joseph Redfern, Leonard Hodson, Oakshot Purkes, Percy Brown R C Johnson, RDGA Ferguson, Robert Davies, Robert Lamble, Samuel Plumb, Sydney Swift, Thomas Asher, Thomas Templeman, Thomas Redfern, Walter Johnson, William Davis, William Large, William Taylor, William henry Watts
A Marchant, A G Barefoot, Albert Holt, Alfred Driscoll, Alfred Williams, Alfred William Monk, Charles Barnard, Charles Blong, Charles Stanley, Charles Mayhew, Chris Brickwood, Clifford Mundy, D Resuggan, Edward Morris, Edward Roberts, Ernest Field, Ernest Holt, Ernest Heath, Ernest Henry Hopton, Francis Dobie, George Brickwood, George Chadney, George Burbas, George Stafford, George Shears, George Hatfield, Harry Cole, Henry Burd, Henry Kenward, J Milne, J H Duell, J H Mulchinoch, James Wheeler, John Voller, Joseph Redfern, Leonard Hodson, Oakshot Purkes, Percy Brown R C Johnson, RDGA Ferguson, Robert Davies, Robert Lamble, Samuel Plumb, Sydney Swift, Thomas Asher, Thomas Templeman, Thomas Redfern, Walter Johnson, William Davis, William Large, William Taylor, William henry Watts
March 29th 1900 Fegan Party
A Ashton, A. Barlow, Charles Bedford, Edward Billington, Herbert Blakey, Thomas Brickwood, William Burgess, Nelson Carter, Charles Cartmell, Charles Chapman, William Clark, John Collins, George Cooper, Ebenezer Cotterel, William Fletcher, Frederick Green, Frederick Harvey, Harold Herbert, Thomas Hill, Herbert Hodenott, A Hunter, William Lander, Albert Lewis, Walter Lovett, Herbert Lumsden, William Mew, Arthur Millar, Thomas Morse, P. Plamer, David Peabody, Arthur Pennell, frederick Poole, Charles Rossamond, Charles Scott, Sidney Snell, William Symonds, George Treadwell, James Trimmer, Albert Twigge, John Underhill, George Vaughan, Herbert Watling, Harry Wise, James Woolford
Arrival May 11 1902 aboard the Dominion
Duplicate last names may not be in the order they appear in this photo:
Albert Vince, Herbert Barber, W. Baker, Claude Tyrell, Arthur Hill, A Plaistow, George Wilson, James Conchie, W. Barker, Albert Lowe, A Lewis, Robert Barnes, George Smith, George Wells, George Brown, James Lovett, John Hird, Alfred Lucas, William Stitson, William Sparks, Ralph Smith, William Piper, Alfred Richardson, Hy Brogden, Frederick Thomas Tarrant, Fred Brillard, H Kindred, G. Raybould, Dar Gosden, Eon Hill, Vince I, Alfred Pearson, Horace Bedwell, Pedlar, James Davis, John Martin, Smith, W. Kendal, Charles Edwards, Kelly, William Lovett, Byron, Percy Fordham, Charles Bull, Ernest Tyrel, E. Veres, George Longman, Orl Wright, George White, Brown, H. Hide, Lewis Johnson, Cooper, James Smith, M. Hickford, Perch, George Schillemore, Fred Riddel
Albert Vince, Herbert Barber, W. Baker, Claude Tyrell, Arthur Hill, A Plaistow, George Wilson, James Conchie, W. Barker, Albert Lowe, A Lewis, Robert Barnes, George Smith, George Wells, George Brown, James Lovett, John Hird, Alfred Lucas, William Stitson, William Sparks, Ralph Smith, William Piper, Alfred Richardson, Hy Brogden, Frederick Thomas Tarrant, Fred Brillard, H Kindred, G. Raybould, Dar Gosden, Eon Hill, Vince I, Alfred Pearson, Horace Bedwell, Pedlar, James Davis, John Martin, Smith, W. Kendal, Charles Edwards, Kelly, William Lovett, Byron, Percy Fordham, Charles Bull, Ernest Tyrel, E. Veres, George Longman, Orl Wright, George White, Brown, H. Hide, Lewis Johnson, Cooper, James Smith, M. Hickford, Perch, George Schillemore, Fred Riddel
Photo of the Fegan's 1906 boys from the Percy Bint Family
Edward Addyman, Frederick Abrams, Percy Alexander, Jesse Archer, Edward Arnold, Charles Barber, George Bartlett, Lawrence Beaumont, Sydney Benz, Percy Bint, Frederick Blake, George Boyce, George Brown, Ernest Budd, Arthur Burley, Alfred Challis, James W Chapman, Victor Chapman, William Chapman, Albert Chappel, Arthur Cracknell, Charles Craig, Victor Crook, William Thomas Davis, Alfred Dearnley, Francis Delaney, Earnest Dickson, Harold Dowling, Benjamin Dunstall, Earnest Duryer, Charles Evans, James Everett, William Field, Bertie Foreman, Harry Good, Thomas Goodman, Thomas Gornall, George Hadder, Earnest Hall, Harry Hall, Harry Hayford, Alfred Heather, Victor Howlett, Earnest Jackson, William Joel, Joseph Johnson, Ernest Joll, William King, John Kohl, Harry Lane, Frederick Lawerence, Alfred Sidney Lee, William Lill, John Lipschitz, Walter Manhood, Joseph Marshall, Stanley Maxter, Albert Mayhew, Thomas McNicol, Luther Miles, Alfred Mist, John Neal, George Norman, Bernard Noyce, David Obrey, Stephen ONeill, Alfred Page, Alfred Pascal, Samuel Perry, Arnold Phelps, Harry Phillips, William Pipe, Alfred Rawlinson, Samuel Richards, Albert Rose, Leonard Russell, Reginald Sacks, George Savage, Henry Scott, Frank Simpson, Earnest Smith, Robert Smith, William Henry Stacey, Reginald Stafford, Robert Stafford, George Stalder, Samuel Suttle, Joseph Tamplin, Stanley Taylor, Earnest Thomas, Findlay Thompson, Albert Thurbon, Eugene Tietz, George Tilley, William Treacher, Earnest Trump, Samuel Webber, Edward Wilson, Lucas Worsnop, John Edward Wortley, Frederick Wright
8th April 1908 Party
Alfred Aldridge, R Arnold, S Bailey, Arthur Barefoot, W Barrett, R Barton. A Blayney, G Bradbury, A Bryant, G Charman, E H Claridge, F Clark, Alfred G Clark, A Cochram, E Collins, Thomas Cook, V Dambornadjian, C Douglas, A Earle, R Edwards, R Elliott, A Faulkner, H G Faulkner, LJ Faulkner, F Fisher, E.m Ford, H E Foster, R W Freeman, W Glover, S Gray, George Heather, H Hughes, F Hunt, D James, S Jarvis, F Jewell, F A Johnson, A E Jones, S Keislake, C Kinsella, John Knight, T W Ledster, J W Manning, C Manning, L Martin, Frederick Mepstead, F Merrick, J S Mitchell, Frederick Morris, J Mott, S Patista, G A Randall, J T Reilly, A Schwarst, C L Semark, William Sewell, Frank Sewell, F Shea, W Singleton, H Smith, G Stevenson, F Stoddart, CJ Taynton, F Tidd, William Henry Tolley, S J Towey, Charles E Tyler, T Upton, S Walden, E Watson, J Weatherhead, S J Webster, W H Williams, S Winkden
April 1909 party
Albert Bruce, Albert Carter, Albert Cousins, Albert Pouting, Albert Warren, Albert leroy, Alex Cowling, alexander Johnson, Alfred Burton, Alfred Cannon, Alfred Sturt, Alfred Rachell, Arthur Glitz, Arthur Koettlitz, Arthur Hunt, Arthur Harrison, Arthur E Deave, Bertie Minter, Bruce Laver, Charles Brown, Charles Lowe, Charles Langfear, Charles Yeo, Charles Patrick O'Brien, Connor Smith, Cyril Harleigh, Cyril Parrett, DAvid Post, Edward Post, Edward Frank Owls, Edwin Holly, Edwin Tatum, Edwin Henry Olley, Ernest Hauchard, Frank Collins, Frank Whitechurch, Frank Lovell, Frank Finley, Fred Dunkley, Frederick Baker, Frederick Koettlitz, Frederick Lang, Frederick Matthews, Frederick Charles Daffin, George Agar, George Glover, George Knott, Geroge May, George Richardson, George Tipping, George Pattenden, Gilbert Mumford, Harold Hughes, Harry Eldridge, Harry Freemantle, Hector Parrett, Henry Lang, Herbert Chopping, Herbert Mather, Herbert Victor Golden, Horace Field, James Baldwin, James Champion, James Warner, James Eldridge, James Challis, John Banks, John Denman, John Robert Wakeman, Joseph Hill, Keith Barnett, Kenneth Mason. Leon Evans, Leonard Heather,, Leonard Mullett, Leonard G Grant, Percy Frost, Percy Pamphilon, Reginald Tonkins, Reginald Edwin Abrams, Reginald James Godfrey, Robert Barnett, Robert Wood, Robert Higgins, Robert Cannon, Robert Chalmbers, Sidney Blunden, Sidney Hamilton, Sidney Holford, Stephen Perkins, Thomas Lang, Thomas Pouting, Thomas Mitchell, William Bridger, William Tonkins, William Soloring, William Rideal, William Read, William Moore, William Clements, William Clements, William Hall, William Howe, William Lovell, William Hunt, William Hodgson, William J Boots
Above, Fegan's 1913 party
ALDERS, Edward, 9,ACKLAND, George, 18, ARMSTRONG, Herbert, 10, , ASHTON, Leonard Thomas, 12, ASHTON, Sidney, 9, BALDEY, Reginald, 15, , BAKER, Ernest Albert, 15, BARFORD, Frederick, 18, \BERESFORD, Alfred George, 11, , BEST, William, 11, BIGNELL, Stanley, 11,BLAZEY, John, 11, BOULTON, George, 15, BRIDEWELL, George Edward, 11,BROWN, Joseph, 11, BROWN, Donovan, 10, BRYANT, James, 18, BUCKLAND, Leonard William J, 11, CAINE, Charles Albert, 12, CHIPPETT, Wallace, 9, CLARKE, Frederick Robert, 16, COLLINS, Charles, 16, COOPER, Harold, 14, COPPING, Edward, 9, CROWHURST, Albert, 16, CROME, Frederick, 13, DARNTREE, Charles, 15, DAY, Herbert, 16, FEWINGS, Louis, 14, FAIRBROTHER, Walter, 17 FOUNTAIN, William, 14, LAKE MANITOBA, 1913, FRENCH, Walter George, 12, FRY, Victor, 10, FULCHER, Arthur, 9, GEAR, H T, 19, GEAR, Matthew, 15, GEER, R, 10, GILLETT, Anthony, 15, GOLDENBURG, Benjamin W, 11, GREENWOOD, Henry, 11, GREENWOOD, E., 11, GWYON, Arthur, 15,HUXLEY, Ernest, 11, HEARSEY, Charles Frederick, 16,HILLIER, Alfred Thomas, 11, HOCQUARD, Edward, 12,HOCQUARD, Albert, 11,HOLLOWAY, Douglas Arthur, HUMPHREY, James W, INKPEN, James Trevor,INKPEN, Percival Joseph,JOHNSON, A E, 14, JOHNSON, Charles, 15, JONES, John R, 14, KNELLER, Percy, 15, KNOWLES, Leslie John, LAMBDEN, Leonard A, , LAMBDEN, Albert, 12, LANGLEY, Walter, 13, LANGRIDGE, Herbert Edward, 9, LATIMER, William Oliver, 14, LAKE MANITOBA, 1913, LENNARD, Edward George, 12, LEWIS, Hector, 11, LITTLE, Iris, 3,MACKLIN, Thomas, 15, MARDELL, Ernest Alfred, 12, MARSHALL, Harold, 15, MATTHEWS, Edwin Lewis, 15, MOORE, Henry, 14, MILLER, W, 23,MILLS, Herbert Henry, 14, MORROW, Hugh, 11, MORRIS, Edwin James, 11, OSBORNE, Leonard, 10, OUDNEY, James,12,, POGSON, William, 15, POPE, Jack, 19, RENASON, James John, 11, RENDALL, Charles, 14, RICHARDS, William, 10, RICHARDSON, Albert, 11, RIPLEY, Andrew, 15, ROGERS, Herbert John, 14, ROSE, Thomas, 16, ROSE, Arthur William, 14, RUTHERFORD, William, 14, SARGEANT, Albert, 17,SHIPLEY, James, 15, SHORT, Wilfred, 16, SIMMONDS, James, 18, SISSON, William Walter, 11, LAKE MANITOBA, 1913, SMITH, Harry, 11, SORRELL, E, 11,SPACKMAN, George Edwin, 11, STANLEY, William Alfred, 11, STEVENS, Ronald, 11, STOKES, Cecil John, 11, SUDDS, Richard Aubrey, 11, SWANN, George D R, 16, SWEETING, George, 16, JAMES, Hector, 11, THEOGOOD, Charles, 15, THOMAS, Charles, 10, TILLEY, Roy, 11, TOMKINSON, George, 11, TULLEY, William, 11, VINE, Alfred, 11, WILLIS, Alfred, 9, WARD, Leonard, 15, WATKINS, Robert John, 11,WATSON, Douglas, 10, WEDLOCK, Henry Alfred, 12, WEISS, Albert, 15, WENTWORTH, William Thomas, 10,WHEELER, Ernest Frederick, 11, WILLIS, Charles, 10, WOOLLEY, James Richard, 8, WRIGHT, Albert C, 12,
1911 emigration photo
Year of Arrival: 1911 Ship: EMPRESS OF BRITAIN Date of Departure: 1911-04-07 Port of Departure: Liverpool Date of Arrival: 1911-04-14
Port of Arrival: Saint John
Names NOT in order: Ernest James Abbott, George Alders, Robert Alders, George V Andrews, Alfred Appleton, Maslin Ardashus, William Atkins, Frederick A Ayles, Ernest P Bacon, Colin Baldwin, Leslie Baldwin, Harold Barter, William Boucher, George Bream, Edwin Brown, James a Bucknell, Albert Bunyan, G Buren, Ernest Cable, Joseph Camplin, Sydney Caney, Harold Clark, Percy H Clark, Arthur Clements, Albert Cole, William Cole, Stanley Collins, George Cook, Ernest V Coole, Harry Coole, Charles Cornford, John W Cracknell, William Deave, Dirtad Doghramadjian,George A Dowle, William Dunn, Frederick Eldridge, Stanley C Ellis, George E Empringham, William Fisher, Sidney Free, William Free, George Frost, Charles Gant, Frank Giddins, John R Gillis, Harry Graves, Leslie A Hamilton, Edwin Harman, Clarence Harrison, Herbert Hoare, Frederick Jackson, Arthur Jennings, William Keen, William King, William Lacey, James Laidlaw, Victor Lille, Frederick Mailey, Henry J Malley, George Mepstead, Alfred Mist, Reginald Palmer, Henry Papson, Frederick Partner, Bert Pattenden, Albert Perkins, Charles E Phillips, Daniel Post, Arthur Pyrke, Sidney Quittenden, Aram Raphaelian, George Ringwood, Charles Rose, Henry C Ruff, George Russell, John A Salmon, Victor Scholz, William Shackles, Lawrence Soar, Fred Stancer, Arthur Stevens, Edmund Stevens, Ernest Stubbs, Alfred Swan, William Taylor, Albert Tomkinson, Harold Trustam, Ernest Tyler, John Tyler, Cyril Ware, Frederick Wells, Edward Whittingham, Victor Wilson
Fegan's April 13 1912 arrival party - Empress of Ireland
Arthur Astridge, William Atwood, Arthur Bates, Albert Beasley, John Beck, Walter Bissell, William Bissell, Thomas Bladon, Samuel Blandford, Eric Brown, Wilfred H Bull, Thomas Burton, Arthur Chick, Charles Clarke, Leonard Cox, Percy Deade, George Deakins, Richard Doggett, Francis Dyer, Alfred Eldridge, Frank Eldridge, Reginald Ellis, John Foote, Cecil Foskett, Henry Fosketh, Percy Freeman, Leonard Frost, Charles Gander, Alfred E George, William J GEorge, Julian Goodwin, Harold GRay, Alfred H Green, Frederick H Green, George Green, Robert William Green, Sidney Harlow, Barnet C Harris, Leslie Harvey, Isaac Hawkins, Gilbert Heal, Royal Heal, George Hill, William Hill, Ernest Hills, Reginald Hilton, Victor Hirons, Louis Holdsworth, William Holyrod, Frederick Hounsome, Charles Hudson, Edward Hudson, Richard Hudson, Thomas H James, Henry Jeffery, Arthur Lankshear, John Lingwood, Frederick Lintott, Frank Lynn, George Major, Percy Major, William McDonald, George J Milberry, Charles Nash, John Niblett, Thomas Osborne, Walter H Osborne, Ernest Pearce, Peter William Penfold, Sidney H Phillips, William Pope, Leonard K Pritchard, Albert Pyrke, Frederick Quittenden, James Rapson, Leonard Rapson, Cecil Rhodes, Arthur Ringwood, William Rogers, William Rowe, Cecil Ruse, Charles W Saunders, Arthur Shea, James Smallbones, Francis Smith, George Sneath, Albert E South, George Steel, Henry Steel, Henry Sutton, George E Swindle, William Tagg, William Thomas, Thomas Thompson, John Underwood, William Vaughan, Charles Walters, John Ward, Stanley Wilkins, Henry Wood, George W Wootmore, Horace WRight, Frank Yeates, George W Young
April 11 1914 Fegan Party
ARCHDALE William ASHLYN Horace ATTWOOD Frank BAILEY Albert BALCOMBE Stuart BARTLETT Stanley BATH Stephen BAYLEY John BEADLE Geeorge BEATTIE Richard BEATY Edward BEESON Edward BLAKE Thomas BONSER Walter BOORMAN Joseph BOWERS Frank BOYLING Alfred BRACKENBURY Edward BRADBEER William BRADY Edward BROWN Cecil BROWN Herbert BROWN Reginald BULLEN George CANDY Arthur CLACK Richard COOPER Edward DICKINSON Reginald DURHAM George EVERLEIGH Frank FAIRY Cecil Frank FRICKING Robert FROST Harold HAGGITH Timothy HALF Charles HANCHETT Aubrey HARBORD Ashton E HARDY Thomas HAYLEY Arthur HEANS William HENRY Thomas HOLLAND Henry HOLLOWAY Frederick JACKSON Goodwin JAMES Edmund JARVIS Eric JOHNSON Charles Henry KEEL Samuel KEIEKS Sydney KING John KIRBY Stanley LANE William R LOCKE Peter LOVERING Richard LUTON Harry MACKLIN Reuben MARSDEN Edward MARTIN Horace MASTERSON Frederick MAXIN Cecil MAYERS Ernestr MAYERS Wilfred McRAE Arthur McRAE William George MEADHURST George MILLS Henry MOODY Alfred MURRAY Bruce OVEREY Percy A OWEN Edward OWEN Henry PARMENTER Douglas PAYNE Joseph PAYNE Lawrence PENNY Frederick PHILPOT Edgar RAMSFORD Frederick REDNAPP Arthur RELF Caleb J ROBERTS Frederick RUSS Richard SCHOFIELD Christopher SCHOFIELD Edgar SEDGWICK Reginald SHORT Stanley SIMPSON Frederick SIMPSON Henry SMITH Alfred SMITH George A STACEY Frederick STEER Henry STOBIE Peter STRIVENER Henry William SUTTON Reginald TATE George TERRANOVA Mico TERRANOVA Yano THOMAS Frederick THOMPSON Henry THOMPSON Richard TRAYNOR Joseph TREVETT John TRODD John TYLER Robert WADDELL James WEST Herbert WHITE James WILKINS William WOODS Charles WOOR Leonard WROXALL Arthur YOUNG Hubert
May 1920
Arthur Lidstone, Arhtur Meads, Arthur Charles Lobb, Cecil Frederick Bullard, Cecil Gerald Reginald Evans, Cyril Garner, E. C. R. Colverd, Edward Kays, Edward Albert Manning, Eric Arthur Lovejoy, Frank Colsell, Frank Horne, Frederick Turley, Frderick John Hocquard, Frederick Leonard Hardman, Frederick William Lee, George Francis Shields, Harold Kirby, Harold Lilley, Harold Bayliss Chown, Hector Desmond Gould, James Arthur Matthews, John Doherty, Johathan Jarvis, Joseph Alexander Gordon, Joseph Allen Borman, Joseph Henry Stanley, Mark Lishman, Oliver Gordon Tomkinson, Reginald Llewelly Burton, Reuben Hughes, Robert Mulqueen, Robinson William Hiseman, Septimus Charles Shaw, Stanley Meads, Stanley Reginald Lobb, Sydney Maidment, Sydney George Deverell, Sydney Herbert Isaacs, Thomas Frederick Pike, Thomas J Hunt, Walter J Woods, Wilfred Charles Hocquard, Wilfred Ernest Miles, William Fuller, William Walsh, William Leller
21 April 1922 party
Including NOT in order(names are in order on photo but faint)
Leslie Aylen, James Bentley, James D Bird, Edgar O Bower, Robert Boyle, Lionel Brown, Loftus Buckley, Edward Buckley, Henry Burrows, Stanley Cooerly, George H Cooerly, Ernest Cowdy, William Doupe, William A Fletcher, Richard Henry Ford, Michael Gogarty, Ernest R Greenen, Andrew Gregory, John Hall, HCW Hanscombe, George Hatfield, Arthur W F Horwill, Kenneth Jones, Albert J Jordan, Frank Little-Jones, Percy London, Henry Lunel, George Masters, James J N McCreery, Ernest McDermott, Philip Murphy, William R Owen,Stanley E Payne, Frederick B Pope, Arthur Randall, Percy N Russell, Sidney E Russell, Victor G Scottk Frederick E Shaw, Alfred E Smith, Edgar T B Smith, Henry J Sparrow, Robert Tait, John Usher, Lewis E Vontournhondt, Charles C Wildman, C Wilson, Benjamin Coc, Henry Days, James Delaney
Leslie Aylen, James Bentley, James D Bird, Edgar O Bower, Robert Boyle, Lionel Brown, Loftus Buckley, Edward Buckley, Henry Burrows, Stanley Cooerly, George H Cooerly, Ernest Cowdy, William Doupe, William A Fletcher, Richard Henry Ford, Michael Gogarty, Ernest R Greenen, Andrew Gregory, John Hall, HCW Hanscombe, George Hatfield, Arthur W F Horwill, Kenneth Jones, Albert J Jordan, Frank Little-Jones, Percy London, Henry Lunel, George Masters, James J N McCreery, Ernest McDermott, Philip Murphy, William R Owen,Stanley E Payne, Frederick B Pope, Arthur Randall, Percy N Russell, Sidney E Russell, Victor G Scottk Frederick E Shaw, Alfred E Smith, Edgar T B Smith, Henry J Sparrow, Robert Tait, John Usher, Lewis E Vontournhondt, Charles C Wildman, C Wilson, Benjamin Coc, Henry Days, James Delaney
Hiving off Party April of 1923
Benjamin W Dennis, Sidney R Edgell, William Ellis, John A Evans, Oliver F Feeney, Thomas Finnegan, Lawrence W L Foster, George Gold, William Groom, Edward Hales, David J Harris, Herbert Hy Harrison, William A Harvey, Edward Hill, Frank H Hoggard, Stanley Arthur J Bass, Christopher Edward Beck, Arthur Boughey, Gratton Maurie Brabazon, Allan Burrows, Edgar Bustin, William Cosgrove, Vivian Couch, Sidney Couch, Albert Jarvis, William John Jones, Frederick Joes, Worthy Lane, James H London, John G McGowan, Cecil Mitchell, Arthur Moore, Francis Mullen, Walter Nobel, Edward Oyler, John E Palmaarts, Jack Randall, Richard Renfrew, John W Russell, Hector Sadler, Alfred J Seally, Arthur Simmonds, John S Smith, Dennis Spratt, Reginald Taylor, William Taylor, Frederick Titshall, David Vontourhoudnt, Charles Wakeman, James G Walker, Walter Walker
April 1926 party
Albert Edward Coe, Alfred George Chatfield, Arthur Carrington, Cecil Hoey, Charles Allen, Charles Walter Hardwick, Corin Shays, Cyril Quick, Erick Charles Powell, Ernest Why, Ernest Cecil Campbell, Frederick Barnes, George Freeman, George Warner, George S Davis, George William Barrett, George William Swain, harry Roland May, Herbert Timbrell, Herbert A Snell (boy circled), Herbert S Smith, Horace Larkin, Horace Rivette, James McGregor, John Hoey, John Mackie, John Larkin, Kenneth James Wright, Leonard Hearsay, Reginald Joseph Cooper, Robert Jenkinson, Robert Murray Hibbard, Theodore H Franklin, Thomas McDonald, Thomas Arthur Bishop, Walter Ralph Stock, Walter William Chilcott, William George Hannaford, William Manuel Gasper
April 1937 Party of Boys
Percy Barton, Lawrence Facert, Robert Gittins, Dennis Hockaday, Leslie Holden, Robert Jarvis, Douglas Jennings, Patrick Maloney, George Milton, George Painter, Fred Secret, George Smith, Stanley Sloman, Peter Townend, Stanley Townend, Percy Williams, Fred Wrate, Reg Young. (Not in order)
Percy Barton, Lawrence Facert, Robert Gittins, Dennis Hockaday, Leslie Holden, Robert Jarvis, Douglas Jennings, Patrick Maloney, George Milton, George Painter, Fred Secret, George Smith, Stanley Sloman, Peter Townend, Stanley Townend, Percy Williams, Fred Wrate, Reg Young. (Not in order)
Fegan's Roll of Honour Medal
Fred Hocquard & Samuel Gibbs
Fegan Homes encouraged the children to pay back the cost of the fare, and the clothes etc supplied to them when they left England, from their wages in Canada. This money was then sent back to England to cover the cost of sending more children. Apparently a plaque was kept in the receiving home in Toronto showing the names of children who had paid back their fare etc and this was called a Roll of Honour. So this medal might have been issued to Fred for that reason .
These two medals were recovered by coin collectors. Both these medals were returned to their families in 2012.
Fegan Boys - up to 1915 who received the Roll of Honour medal
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J. W. Mepstead, S. W. Smith, William Harries, Charles Veness, Richard White, Charles Stallibrass, William Bibby, William Bennett, Ernest Choat, Alfred Choad, Bertie Lark, William Colfax, A. Groombridge, W. J. Baldwin, Henry Irish, H. J. Smith, John Ashford, William Barrell, Alfred Philips, John Roberts, W. H. Wildgoose, Jas. Franks, Partick Foley, R. McNeil, George Hogben, William Wooster, R. A. Kirby, Thomas Lehan, E. C. Hayward, James Raper, William Seager, T. G. Sullivan, George Southwell, R. Templeton, Edward Brettle, E. Remsberry, Henry Flynn, Herbert Farrant, William Powell, A. G. Pugh, William Power, A. E. Ransom, Joseph Foley, Louis Knight, Joseph Stocker, J. O. Witherall, Charles Harvey, John Colson, Charles Boyce, Charles Sheryer, John Hornsby, Patrick Dutch, Eli Neaves, E. J. Stevens, A Ritherdon, William Denny, Charles Allen, B. T. Parkes, E. E. Burk, W. H. Marshall, James Griffin, H. Goddard, J. S. Tester, Henry Smith, Bert Boston, William Rivers, John Weston, J. W. Mulholland, David Bonney, James Jones, William Boston, A. Butterfield, Wlliam Saniforth, George Connor, G. R. Staniforth, C. Collins, Alfred Price, A. E. Paulson, R. Fulcher, William Perriment, Charles Goodchild, R. C. Thompson, John Bond, H. B. Kitchen, Thmas Ivory, Joseph Maher, H. M. Hooker, A. H. Williamson, David Trimmer, E. J. Farrow, J. R. Dungate, Alfred Lovett, George Stafford, William Penny, Samuel Farnell, Charles Batchelor, Richard Francis, Charles Girdler, Henry Chedzoy, Dan O'connor, William Harrington, M. H. Clement, James Hardy, Walter Boore, James Ryan, Stephen Noble, George Perry, John Bartlett, A. G. Bray, James Capon, David Trimmer, Ben. Duncan, Alfred Leather, H. Goodchild, Charles Duly, Edward Raymond, H. Croucher, H. Muggleworth, George chadney, Frederick Clayton, William Large, Albert George, William Hopton, Edward Hoptrough, William Warren, Mark Preston, W. C. Zahler, Edward Sweetzer, W. A. Dunne, A. Wilding, Ernest Holt, Alfred Driscoll, C. A. Barnard, Jos. Gunner, Alfred Baker, G. A. Dunham, John E. Goddard, John Holbourn, A. G. Barefoot, C. S. Lawrence, William Butler, James Holden, George Blong, Charles Mayhew, William Roberts , William F. Monk, Charles Brittain, John Underhill, A. H. Hippsley, C. Mundy, William Purdue, David Peabody, A. J. Robson, William Lander S. P. Swift, C. J. Brickwood, Charles weller, John De Neef, William Gavelll, H. L. watting, A. H. R. Evans, Charles Cartmell, H. L. Floyd, Percy R Lewis, William Smith, W. H. Dunnett, R. G. E Hohnson, A. Marchant, William Burton, George Beevers, W. H. Clark, A. T. williams, Philip Trussell, Bertie Stanley, W. L. McKenzie, Stanley Pearce, Henry King, Henry Miller, Albert Ashton, W. H. Gale, William Piper, Frank Reading, Herbert Blake, A. J. Floyd, Walter Towns, R. A. Leeson, G. R. Brickwood, Thomas Witham, William Kerrison, Henry Seale, Charles Hobbs, Jos. Redfern, Herbert Morgan, E. J. Reading, Stanley Pittard, William Kozik Geo. W. White, charles Scott, Charles Finter, William Cook, G. D. Saunders, William Lane, William Bacon, Albert Vince, William Burgess, Harold Herbert, Thomas McNamara, Harry Pilley, thmas Mills, Walter Kelly, Harry Brogden, George R. Barnes, George V Wells, John Murphy, Percy A Strange, Henry Wise, Arthur Millar, Sidney Riddle, Thomas Carswell, Edward Roberts, Edward Morris, Alfred Pearson, Stanley M. Smith, James Fennell, George Mustoe, Ralph Smith, Leonard Hodson, Jas. Conchie, Percy Perch, Geo. Vaughan, Thos. Palmer, Thos Brickwood, John Martin, Wm. Batchelor, Olive T. Dart, James Scott, Henry Steddy, Geo. H. Hatfield, Percy Thomas, Louis Johnson, Albert Kay, John Voller, Montague Jones, Samuel Barker, Frederick Haines, James Haydon, Thos. Cooper, Geo. A. Beale, Thos Collins, Benj Harvey, Victor Prentiss, Geo Symonds, Edmund Leaver, Geo. A. Longman, Walter Baker, Alfred Day, Thomas Brown, Geo. F. Raybould, Arthur Pennell, Albert Pennell, Ernest Scott, Richard Garner, James Lovett, Frederick Riddle, Henry Kenward, Duncan Ross, John Shinners, Alfred Lucan, Ed. Chapman, Alfred Richardson, Wm. D. Taylor Horace Bedwell, Arthur T Hill, Frank Richards, Sidney Fordham, Edward Pinder, Wm Sparks, Henry Pearch, Ernest H. Field, Frederick Hubbard, Albert Smith, Edwin Grubb, John Larcombe, Herbert Barber, Jas H Mahoney, Geo. Craig, Wm J Bennett, Montague Matthews, George Simkins, Herbert Russell, Frederick Fraser, Henry Gavell, Alfrd Chedzoy, Sidney Pedlar, Chas. G. Bull, Frederick Moore, Henry Bennewith, Seymour Grimwood, Chas. Manning, Thos. Wood, Edward H. Unstead, Frank Mulchinock, Thomas Veale, Maurice Foley, Chas. H. Joel, Chas. Haydon, Fred Tarrant, James Smith, Arthur T. Lew, David G. Gosden, Ernest J. Hill, George Trigg, Hervert Messam, George Wilson, John W. D. Lee, James Barber, William Carlyle, Herbert Miles, Sidney Bradbury, Frederick Fox, William F. Stitson, Richard F Lane, Daniel Girdler, Samuel W. James, William N Baker, Albert Brown, Wilmott Simmonds, Wm. D. Norgate, Wm Cockerham, Charles Blong, William Bath, George Smith, Alfred McBane, William C. Thorpe, W. J. Wiseman, Sidney A. Lane, Harry Freeman, Percy Bradbury, Albert Simms, Herbert Coote, Robert Ferguson, Henry Finch, George Brown, Alfred Leggett, Charles Wise, John W. Gilbert, Arthur Green, Herbert Kindred, William T. Cook, Henry Packman, Ernest Veres, Arthur Bradbury, Frank Lewis, Richard Bray, Edward Fisher, Wm. Claxton, H. C. Simkins, George Grindley, George Schillemore, Charles Edwards, Walter J Dutton, William Hart, Frederick W. Hogan, Frederick W. Taylor, Frederick C. White, Leonard Page, Thos. Roberts Char. Thomas, B. E. Marshall, Harry Eastland, Albert E. Douglas, Albert H. kent, Albert E Lowe, Herbert C. Yalden, Edgar Thorpe, Fred Harvey, Edward Timms, Harry Good, Sydney Bowden, W. J. Boyles, Ernest Tyrrell, Robert Stafford, William T. Griffin, William T. Davis, Alfred Pascall, Arthur Cracknell, John Hale, Herbert Lane, Thomas Harrison, Charles Living, John S King, Harold B. Hill, Thomas Arnold, Geo. E. Grey, Ernest Lane, Arthur Dalton, Arthur J Davis, William A. Kent, Fred King, Percey Hawes, Fred Lawrence, Edward Arnold, Ernest Thomas, John Kohl, Arthur Dearnley, Ernest G. Health, Thomas R. Wilcox, Henry J. Osborne, Harry Phillips, Samuel Whitecombe, William Eck, JohnLiepschitz, Percy Haskell, Robert Land, Joseph Smith, Colin E Collins, Joseph Herbert, Albert E Dyer, William F. Chapman, Ernest Rudd, Henry Meyer, Claude Tyrrell, William Joel, Chris Southgate, Alfred Page, Ernest W. Fraser, Percy Alexander,Ernest Cole, Harold Dolman, Alfred Rollinson, Edward Jas White, Lucas Worsnop, Albert Rose, Stanley Perry, Frderick Dearman, A. J. Broadbent, Bernard Noyce, Frank Simpson, Felix Humphrey, Percy Sargeant, Robert Copeland, George Stalder, s. Maxted, George Bartlett, Ben Dunstall, Samuel Easion, Ernest Jackson, George H. Brown, William Woolett, George Marshall, C. A. Chazeaud, C. W. Everett, S. Copeland, A. Mayhew, A. H. Knott, Walter Manhood, Walter Collins, Wm. Whittingham, George Savage, Theodore McNicol, John Lovell, William Douglas, Robert Paige, Alfred Worthy, Thomas Goodman, Stanley Taylor, Cyril Wright, H. A. Fox, Thomas Gornall, Ernest Dickson, Victor Chapman, Charles Barber, George Tilley, Alfred Heather, Ernest Joel, George Boyce, A. E. Nightingale, A. O. Phelps, Ernest Morris, William Gyson, A. L. Mortimer, Reginald Stafford, William Davis, Edward H. Kenton, Rupert Edwards, John King, James Everett, Stanley Yalden, Alfred Graham, John Neale, E. Addyman, A. Thurbon, J. D. Pearcy, J. H. Johnson, A. Burley, W. Tickner, H. Hall, C. Douglas, F. E. Logan, F. Ransom, H. Ransom, H. Stevens, J. Miller, A. England, E. McCann, F. Delaney, A. Lee, A. Parslow, W. Laming, S. Patista, F. B. Packwood, C. J. Brown, Geo. Bishop, E. Bacon, S. Thomas, E. Trump, A. F. Lee, C. Watson, F. Clark, A. Challis, G. Hadder, J. Weatherhead, B. Foreman, W. Field, J. Sysum, H. Wortley, John Marlow, E. O. Tietz, F. Ashman, F. Thompson, C. Evans, A. Dyer, F. Perry, H. Faulkner, L. Faulkner, F. Ayres, E. Wilson, G. Norman, C. B. Woolsey, V. Dambouradjian, R. Smith, J. Archer, H. Scott, J. Blake, A. Chapple, W. Holmes, F. Wright, S. Richards, H. Rawlings, Charles Brown, Geo. Heather, John Mott, Fred Morris, Percy Shea, Cyril Fraser, Allan Faulknew, Albert Waylett, Charles Taynton, J. N. Lucas, A. E. Glitz, Arthur Cockram, Jas Pyne, W. H. King, Joseph Tamplin, Herbert Brown, Albert Palmer, Hercules Wynne, William Challice, Sidney Palmer, George Stevenson, Wilfrd Williams, Simeon Webster, F. C. Daffin, Horace Field, Frederick Hunt, John S. Mitchell, Robert Elliott, Frederick Yalden, C. J. Graham, Albert Harris, Charles Savage, Frederick Treacher, Wm. Coomber, Ernest Perry, Alfrd Baldwin, Alfrd Mist, Samuel Carroll, L. Grant, Donald James, A. S. Moore, Frederick Abrams, Thomas Ledster, charles Tyres, Stanley Jarvis, Robert Arnold, John Manning, John Knight, Alfred Bryant, John Reilly, John Mash, Henry Cox, Ernest Hall, John Chapman, Stephen Winter, Geo. May, Joeph Randall, Charles Craig, Frederick Fisher, William Holden, Alec Quinn, William Kirby, John Walker, Edward Wollerson, Herbert Blackhall, George Fulkes, Albert Branscombe, Frederick J Roberts, George Mercer, Herbert Kelly, Ernest Palmer, Robert Bliss, Reginald Barton, William Clements, Albert E Harrison, Albert Cousins, Alfred David Rachell, Robert Cannon, William Howe, Arthur Hunt, Albert Minter, W. L. Lovell, Charles Lowe, Frank Banks, Stephen Perkins, Percy Frost, Frank Stoddard, Frank Whitchurch, William Young, William Boots, Henry Mathers, William Tonkins, William Golding, Harry Freemantle, Leonard Heather, Kenneth Mason, T. B. Mitchell, George Knott, Cyril Harleigh, James Challis, Arthur Deave, Reginald Abrams, Frederick Lovell, Robert Wood, Herbert Golden Samuel Walden, William Barrett, William Glover, Harry Tolley, Ernest Claridge, Frank Reeves, Frederick Mepstead, Leslie Martin, Frederick A. Johnson, Stanley Tomey, Ernest Ford, Walter Singleton, Albert Shand, George Heggarty, Roland Turner, Percy Bint, Ernest South, John Barnes, William C. Challis, William Lill, Walter Douglas, Keith Barnett, Charles Graham, Frank Jewell, Gordon Parrett, Alfred Appleton, Ernest Cable, Fred Stancer, Edwin Dutton, Fred Grant, Fred McWells, Edard Whittingham, Fred Ayles, William Rachell, Harry Vandevelde, George Henley, George Prince, Sidney Cuff, Frank Slight, Fred Norton, Sidney Slight, Wm. J. Medhurst, Chas. W. Stephens, Thos. P. Batten, Henry C. P. Bartlett, Joseph Hamlet, Albert Emblem, Harry Franks, James H. Mayes, Harry Westacott, Albert Stayton, ArthurRye, Ben Jacklin, Edward Copland, Sidney Cole, Arthur W. Shackleford, Michael Ryan, William Cann, Frank ellis, George Allison, Harry Lush, Edward Lush, John Mills, Thomas Nealon, James H. Carter, Tom W. Pearcy, Stanley V Heather, Arthur Delamore, Robert Swansborough, Albert E Davis, Fred Baker, Alec Johnson, Sidney Holford, Reinald Tonkins, George Glover, Albert Sturt, Conner Smith, George Pattenden, William Read, James Warner, Albert Ponting, Fred Evans, Albert Carter, Harold Hughes, Albert Warren, John Wakeman, George Agar, Charles Yeo, Alec Cowling, Stanley Bailey, Cyril Kinsella, Henry J Smith, Robert Freeman, Cecil Semark, Fred Merrick, Geo Charman, Alec Earle, A. E. Selwood, Frank Wall, William Stacey, Samuel Sutttle, Henry Burd, H. F. Wildgoose, Wm Pope, Arthru Astridge, Leonard Cox, W. R. Green, Tom James, Barnett Harris, Alfrd Green, Wilfred Bull, Thos. Osborne, George Hill, Leslie Harvey, Arthur Shea, Wm. J. Thomas, George Deakin, John Underwood, W. A. Attwood, Wm McDonald, Ernest R Pearce, Francis Dyer, Isaac Hawkins, William George, Edwin J Harman, Harry Coole, John Salmon, Wm Atkins, Alfred Mist, Cril Ware, Aram Raphelian, George Bream, J. W. cracknell, Joseph Tyler, Victor Scholz, George Alders, Fred. Jackson, Ernest Lucas, Alfred Gordon, Ralph Younger, Harold Baber, Alfred Swan, Wm. Fisher, George Andrews, Sidney Quittenden, Albert Tomkinson, Albert Victor Cole, Ernest Abbott, Wm. F. Cole, Albert E Bunyar, Stanley Collins, Wm H King, Arthur Clements, Reginald Palmer, Edgar Sadgrove, John Mead, Chas. T. Pyrke, Theo. A Rowe, Alfred Cage, Lawrence Whitchurch, Wm. V. Burchell Charles Herbert, William Boreham, George A. Brown, George Castle, Sidney Manton, Edward A. Allison, Fred. Tomkinson, Reginald Cripps, Colin Taylor, Llewellyn Baldwin, Frank Collins, Bruce Laver, Gilbert Mumford, Sidney Blunden, Leonard Mullett, James Eldridge, William Sewell, Fred Douglas, Ernest S. Hill, J. Trevor Inkpen, Percy J Inkpn, Fred Eldridge, Percy Overy, Edward Beeson, Robert Fickling, Wilfred Short, Thomas Lipscombe, William Fountain, Fred Clarke, Albert Weiss, Charles Johnson, Charles Rendall, Henry Moore, William Latimer , George Sweeting, Albert Crowhurst, William Pogson, James Simmonds, Harry Wedlock, Fred Johnson, Henry Greenwood, Edwin Greenwood, Herbert Day, Charles Daintree, Arthur Gwyon, Anthony Gillett, Herbert Robers, Fred Barford, Charles Hearsey, Albert Sargeant, Albert South, Arthur chick, Victory Hirons, Albert Beasley, Charles Walters, Percy Freeman, Horace Wright, Jack Foote, Horace Osborne, Fred R Hounsom, Thomas E Hudson, Walter Bissell, Leonard Frost, Charles Saunders, Frank Yeates, Louis J Holdsworth, Ernest Hills, Fred Lynn, Harry Jeffrey, Francis Smith, Fred H Green, Richard Doggett, William Holroyd, Arthur Bates, William Vaughan, Cecil J Rhodes, John P Niblett, Percy Major, Julian Goodwin, Thomas J. Burton, Charles J Gardener, Thomas Bladon, Henry Sutton, Cecil J Ruse, William Rowe, George Swindell, Leonard Pritchard, Frank Giddings, George T. Ringwood, Dan Post, Percy Clarke, Edmund Stevens, James Laidlaw, John Tyler, Clarence Harrison, Leaslie Baldwin, Henry E Rapson, George Frost, Colin Baldwin, Alfrd Tennant, Joseph Camplin, Wm. Geo. Shackles, Victor A. Lill, William Taylor, Stanley Ellis, Leslie Hamilton, Harold Clarke, William Boucher, J. Ardashes, George Dowle Robert Alders, Harry Ruff, Fred Mailey, Sidney Caney, Edgar Cockram, Fred Pullen, Albert Post, Jack Lush, Joseph Cottrell, James Feasey, Hector Parrett, Frank D Finlay, Alfred E Burton, Charles Manning, George Crow
James William Condell Fegan
Written by Watling Way Middle School CLUTCH Club
James William Condell Fegan was born on the 27th April 1852. He was the youngest of four children born to James and Anne Fegan. His father worked at the Ordnance Survey office in Southampton, England.
He was brought up in a religious family, which coloured his entire life. Although James Fegan didn’t belong to any particular church, he was well known for his beliefs. His mother taught him at home until the age of ten. His hobbies and interests were mainly outdoor pursuits, such as football, cricket and fishing.
In 1869 the Fegan family moved to London, and on his thirteenth birthday James entered the city of London school. After four years James left the school and went to work for a firm of colonial brokers. As young man, he had a strange experience while sitting in his room one evening he had a strong need to turn to god. It was almost from this moment that he devoted his time and energy to spreading his religious beliefs.
It was while out one evening preaching that Fegan noticed a group of dirty, scantily dressed and barefooted boys sitting on a kerb near to where he was standing. As the boys got up to leave, Fegan felt compelled to follow them, until they turned down a narrow alley and entered a shabby building. It had the name The Ragged School. He himself entered that building and was greeted by array of faces, all asking him to teach them. So James Fegan had his first contact with the first of a great many poor boys whom he would spend his life helping. He taught the boys and even spent Sunday evenings working with them. But soon his health started to suffer; coping with the hustle and bustle of commercial life and then devoting most evenings working with the boys, his health deteriorated and went to the seaside resort of Bognor Regis to re-couperate. It was whilst in Bognor that James helped his first boy to find a home. That boy's name was Tom Hammond. He brought the boy back to London and looked after him until he could organise a place in an institution. Here the boy spent eighteen months before being sent to Canada to start a new life.James Fegan also made a good friend in Canada, Mr Gooderham, a man who was willing to help the boys who were sent there. It was with his help that a distributing home was erected in Toronto. The boys would stay at the home until a place could be found for them within the farming community, now with the home erected a yearly journey was made from England to Canada for as many as 130 boys each spring.
During the following years James Fegan took an active role in the running of all of his homes. Not all the boys James Fegan rescued stayed in Britian; Lord Blantyre, a close friend of James Fegan, suggested that he should make a journey to Canada to see if there were any opportunities for the boys in his care to make a fresh life there. Acting on this suggestion, he made the journey in 1884 taking ten boys with him, he was so impressed with the opportunities he saw, that he made another journey that year taking 50 boys. Lord Blantrye met the cost of taking the boys on the second expedition to Canada.
Although sending the boys to Canada was a great success, it soon became evident that a lot of the boys lacked skills in working on the Canadian farm. James Fegan had an inspirational idea of recreating a Canadian-style farm in Britain. A farm was found and bought and all the farming implements were ordered from Canada so the boys could be trained in their usage before being sent to that country. The name of this farm was Home Farm and was situated at Goudhurst, in Kent.
It was here that James and Mary Fegan had a cottage built for them, called Blantyre Lodge. Gradually James Fegan's health deteriorated and he was confined to a wheelchair, but despite his difficulties he still kept working for the homes to which he had dedicated so much of his life.
James Fegan died on December 9th 1925 aged 73, leaving behind a legacy of goodness in the work he had done to help so many homeless boys.
James William Condell Fegan was born on the 27th April 1852. He was the youngest of four children born to James and Anne Fegan. His father worked at the Ordnance Survey office in Southampton, England.
He was brought up in a religious family, which coloured his entire life. Although James Fegan didn’t belong to any particular church, he was well known for his beliefs. His mother taught him at home until the age of ten. His hobbies and interests were mainly outdoor pursuits, such as football, cricket and fishing.
In 1869 the Fegan family moved to London, and on his thirteenth birthday James entered the city of London school. After four years James left the school and went to work for a firm of colonial brokers. As young man, he had a strange experience while sitting in his room one evening he had a strong need to turn to god. It was almost from this moment that he devoted his time and energy to spreading his religious beliefs.
It was while out one evening preaching that Fegan noticed a group of dirty, scantily dressed and barefooted boys sitting on a kerb near to where he was standing. As the boys got up to leave, Fegan felt compelled to follow them, until they turned down a narrow alley and entered a shabby building. It had the name The Ragged School. He himself entered that building and was greeted by array of faces, all asking him to teach them. So James Fegan had his first contact with the first of a great many poor boys whom he would spend his life helping. He taught the boys and even spent Sunday evenings working with them. But soon his health started to suffer; coping with the hustle and bustle of commercial life and then devoting most evenings working with the boys, his health deteriorated and went to the seaside resort of Bognor Regis to re-couperate. It was whilst in Bognor that James helped his first boy to find a home. That boy's name was Tom Hammond. He brought the boy back to London and looked after him until he could organise a place in an institution. Here the boy spent eighteen months before being sent to Canada to start a new life.James Fegan also made a good friend in Canada, Mr Gooderham, a man who was willing to help the boys who were sent there. It was with his help that a distributing home was erected in Toronto. The boys would stay at the home until a place could be found for them within the farming community, now with the home erected a yearly journey was made from England to Canada for as many as 130 boys each spring.
During the following years James Fegan took an active role in the running of all of his homes. Not all the boys James Fegan rescued stayed in Britian; Lord Blantyre, a close friend of James Fegan, suggested that he should make a journey to Canada to see if there were any opportunities for the boys in his care to make a fresh life there. Acting on this suggestion, he made the journey in 1884 taking ten boys with him, he was so impressed with the opportunities he saw, that he made another journey that year taking 50 boys. Lord Blantrye met the cost of taking the boys on the second expedition to Canada.
Although sending the boys to Canada was a great success, it soon became evident that a lot of the boys lacked skills in working on the Canadian farm. James Fegan had an inspirational idea of recreating a Canadian-style farm in Britain. A farm was found and bought and all the farming implements were ordered from Canada so the boys could be trained in their usage before being sent to that country. The name of this farm was Home Farm and was situated at Goudhurst, in Kent.
It was here that James and Mary Fegan had a cottage built for them, called Blantyre Lodge. Gradually James Fegan's health deteriorated and he was confined to a wheelchair, but despite his difficulties he still kept working for the homes to which he had dedicated so much of his life.
James Fegan died on December 9th 1925 aged 73, leaving behind a legacy of goodness in the work he had done to help so many homeless boys.
Sources and Links
More information on the Fegan Homes - Young immigrants to Canada
Fegan's Homes Newsletters - The Red Lamp 1913-20