Home Page
This site is maintained by Home Children Canada
Home Children Canada website
How to Research Your BHC & Contacts for files
The Sending Organizations
Dr. Thomas Barnardo
Dr. Barnardo bio
Articles of Association Barnardo
DR. Barnardo's Funeral
Barnardo's medical credentials
Various articles
Home for the Homeless 1888
Broughall Legacy Letters
The Barnardo Publications
The History of the Publication
Our Darlings - Barnardo's
Barnardo's "Our Darlings"
Winter in Canada
Coloured Plates
Articles of interest
Barnardo's "Night and Day"
Barnardo Boy's Mag
Taken out of the Gutter
Barnardo Homes in Britain
Promotional material
Boys Garden Village - Barnardo
Babies Castle - Barnardo's
Watts Naval Training School
William Baker School - Barnardo
Stepney Causeway
St. Christopher's Babies Home
Teighmore, Channel Islands
Other British Homes
Vintage post cards
Barnardo shipping lists
Immigration Parties
Russell Manitoba - Barnardo's
Toronto Barnardo Homes
Hazelbrae Barnardo Home
Winnipeg Receiving Home
Barnardo's Musical Boys
E A Struthers Day Book 1905
Crime or Misdemeanors list
Promotional post cards
Toronto Maternity Home
Indenture Contracts
Various Barnardo Doc's
Barnardo Government Reports
Alfred B Owen
Excursion's to England
Good Conduct Medals
Application Fees for children
Agreements and indentures
Hotel Dieu, Kingston, Ontario
Catholic Emigration - 10,000 emigrated
Crusade of Rescue documents
Catholic Emigration Records
St. Georges Home - Ottawa
Monsignor James Nugent
Father Hudson
Father Seddon
St. Vincent Rescue Home
Annie Macpherson - 8,000 emigrated
Ellen Bilbrough and Robert Wallace
William Quarrier- Brockville Ont 7,200 immigrated
Quarriers - Scotland
Louisa Birt - 6,000 emigrated
Louisa Birt files (some)
John T Middlemore - 5,000 emigrated
Middlemore Placement Lists
Guthrie House, London, Ont
Fairview Nova Scotia
Middlemore Letters
Who was John Middlemore
Maria Rye - 4,200 emigrated
Maria Rye-Niagara on the Lake
Maria Rye Children's Letters
Inspections of Rye Children
National Children's Home 3,600 emigrated
Janet Wallis - Hurst Home
Fegan's Home in England
Mr. Gold, Melbourne, Quebec
Shaftsbury Homes
various British organizations
Selling Insurance to BHC
Visitor Reports
John Joseph Kelso
1911 Census of Canada
Elinor Close-New Brunswick
Vimy Ridge Training Farm
Fairbrige Farm Vancouver
Inspection of children 1893 to 1894
Emma Stirling of Hillfoot Farm
Hillfoot Farm - Emma Stirling
The du Pont Inscription
Grace M Fagan - A Stirling Girl
Florida Humane Association
Emma & Bailey’s Bluff
The Wm Bingham Estate
Bristol Emigration Society
Grosse Isle
Dakeyne Boy's Farm
Salford Catholic Protection Society
Ellen Smyly
St. Patrick's Home in Ottawa
Stanley Boys Home
W. J. Paddy
Charlotte Alexander
Chase Farm School
Bristol Union Children 1905
Manchester & Salford Boys' and Girls' Refuges
Church of England
Miss Brennans Home - Montreal
House of Providence, Kingston Ontario
The Salvation Army
G.C. Cossar
Mr T. E. Sedgwick
Overseas Settlement Committee
The Children's Friends Society
Church Army
The Children's Society Records
Beacons of Light BHC Tribute
BHC Registry, over 86,000 children registered!
Ups and Down's Magazine
Ups and Downs 1895 - 1896
Ups and Down 1897 - 1898
Ups and Downs 1899 - 1900
Ups and Downs 1901 - 1902
Ups and Downs 1903
Ups and Downs 1904
Ups and Downs 1905
Ups and Downs 1906
Ups and Downs 1907 June
May 1910, 1913 & May & Aug 1912
Dec 1915 Ups and Downs
July 1939, Dec 1940, Dec 1942, Dec 1946
Our Old Friends Directory
December 1945 Ups and Downs
some articles
Names of child in the Ups and Downs
Pictures of Children 1903
Alfred Jolly
BHC Fact Page
First World War Casualty Index
BHC Burial Index
The Park Lawn Cemetery Monument
Children's Trunks & Bibles
Receiving Homes in Pictures
Ships the BHC Came On
History of the BHC - Film
2016 BHC Memory Quilt
The 2010 Memory Quilts
BHC Memory Quilt (Ont)
BHC Memorial Quilt (Ab)
Service in the Wars
First World War Causalities
Second World War Service
Served in Both Wars
Lives Shortened
First World War service
Lists of boys who served
Individual Service Stories
Private William Francis Conabree
John Mash
Sydney James Bevan
Alfred Mist
Cecil Bennett
Links to stories of BHC WW1 service
Newspaper clips - BHC service
BHCARA Upcoming Events
British Home Child Books
BHC Books for Children
Historical Books
True stories of BHC
Fiction Stories
Vintage Books
Downloadable Books
Kenneth Bagnell
Perry Snow - Neither Waif nor Stray
The Bitter Cry of Outcast London
Farm Life in Canada
PDF's for downloading
BHC Articles
Better Life or the Empire Fodder
Kennington Cove
The Barnardo Boy
BHC to Nova Scotia
Personal Discovery 1935
The Land of the Lost Children
Rye's Western Home
Church Apologies to Child Migrants
Life in the Workhouse
Woman Miners
Victorian Child Labourers
Evicted London
Historical News Articles
Articles in the British Press
The Hazelbrae Memorial
Stories of British Home Children
Collection of various stories
Reunited Families
Other mentions of children
Gone too soon
BHC Obituaries
BHC Mug Shots
Our Lost Children
1901 census
First World War deaths
The darker stories
Discontented Maids
Lost Children
Quotes from BHC
Links to other BHC stories
BHC Posters
British Home Children Burial Records
Shorter BHC Stories
Stories A to M
The Bagley Family
John Bolton
James Arthur Ball
The Bates Family
Hilda Blake
Charles Bradbury
Joseph Barnett
The Lost Children
Augustus Bridle
Percy Brown
Rev A. H. Brace
John & Benjamin Butterworth
The Brocklebank Family
William Joseph Carter
John Cawsey
Two Gun Cohen
Fifi the Clown
Henry Richard Cooper
Violet Elizabeth Chaffee
Edith Cherryholme
BHC Centenarians
Arthur Clarkson & Lily Wood
Albert McCarthy
Ronald Chamberlain
Anthony (Tony) Chambers
Cherryholme-Gizzard-Sharpe Family
Herbert Clifford
James E Cowell
George Daintree
George Martin Day
Esther & Elizabeth Dawson
Leslie Henry Baden Fielding
Charlie, Ted and Bill Elliott
Wallace Ford
George Frost
Gladys Fudge
Annie Garwood Letters
John Lydiet George
Annie Gevaux
Albert Edward Gill
GRIMES, Arthur
Arthur Mcgregor GODSALL
Harry Gossage
George Everett Green
Robert "Robbie" Gray
Elsie Hathaway
Books and mentioned children
Stewart Harris
Cyril Hewitt
Margaret Healey
George Hollingshurst
The St. George's Memorial
Walter Leigh Lockett/Rayfield
Sydney Howarth
Bill Holtum
Tom Isherwood
General information - Heritage
Edward Jones
Cecelia & Ethel JOWETT
Frederick John Kempster
George Marlow Leeson
George & Annie McMaster
Edgar Evan Marselle
Will, Elsie & George Maybury
The Mintram Family
Stories N to Z
Herbert Owens
Fred W. Palmer
Lizzie Poole
Liela Eliza Preston
Nellie Page
Francis James Preston
Edmond Roberts
Dr. John R. Seeley
Frederick Robert Shaw
Ellen, Martha & Rachel Birch
Walter Tompkins
Gipsy Simon Smith
Robert Rankin and George Nelson
Kate, Sarah & Jamie Stewart
The Stacey Family
The Richardson Sisters
Albert Stone
The Lois Stanford Collection
The Taylor's and Usher's
Charlie & Matthew Tyler
John Vallance
Arnold Walsh
The Ward and Seymour Family
Joe & Bob Waterer
Richard Weston
Hilda Williams
Walter Wilson
Children's Placement Lists
Documented Immigration Process
Making the Canadian Flag
Apologies to BHC & Families
Australian Apology
British Apology
Canadian Apology
Political Bigotry
Apology Petitions - Canada, Britain and Australia
Frederick Nicholls
Dr. C. K. Clarke
House of Commons Reports
Paying Agents in England
Traveling Immigration Agent Reports
Immigration Stats
Bonus's Paid for Children
Propaganda in the press
Diseased Savages Quote
Child Saving Conference 1894
John D. S. Campbell
Canadian recognition
The Canadian Goverment
Britain's will never be slaves
Migration Legislation
Pauper Children Emigration Bill
British Legislation
Canadian Legislation
The Doyle Report 1875
Home Child Interviews
Collection/Penny Boxes
LAC and Heritage Canada
Deported Children
Report of inspection of Home children
Inspection reports of Workhouse Children
costs of Inspection Reports
Order your official BHC Pin
Lori Oschefski
Contact us
HCC War Service Index Submission Form
Brighton (Sussex) Emigration Society
New Page
Contact for Children's files
Father Hudson - Catholic
St. Edward's Home,
Coleshill, Warwickshire
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